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Casting off thy body, O blessed one, thou shalt in heaven live with me! This hermitage, again, shall become the foremost of tirthas in the world, capable of cleansing from every sin, O thou of fair eye-brows, and shall be known by the name of Vadarapachana. It shall be celebrated in the three worlds and shall be praised by great Rishis.

Jesus Christ has drawn us to Himself, that we may know the sweetness of His presence, the cleansing of His blood, the stirring and impulse of His indwelling life in us for our own joy and our own completion, but also that we may be His witnesses and weapons, according to that great word: 'This people have I formed for Myself. They shall shew forth My praise.

If the Church is to be saved, it can only be by her repudiation of such corruptions, and by a process of self cleansing that none can do for her. I always knew that if suspected my life would pay the forfeit; but I know not how the authorship has been discovered. Yet the great ones of the land have ways we know not of; and if the truth is not known, it is suspected.

You will recall in a preceding chapter the description of the circulation of the blood, and of its first passage through veins and arteries for cleansing, before a second round could make it food for the whole complex nervous system. Alcohol taken in excess, it has been proved in countless experiments by scientific men, possesses the power of coagulating the blood.

You're bleeding a lot and you'd be a sight if it weren't for this cleansing rain." "I've been putting the map of Kentucky on your own face. You don't look as much like Mississippi as you did. You'll take notice too that you didn't burn the house. If you'll glance up the side of this ravine you'll see just a little dying smoke. Eight hundred soldiers put it out in short order."

But His message must be followed by that personal act, else His word is spoken in vain, and there is no real union between our need and His fulness, nor any cleansing contact of His grace with our foulness. Mark, too, the intensely individual character of that act of faith by which a man accepts Christ's grace.

Cleanliness consists in attention to a number of apparent trifles the scrubbing of a floor, the dusting of a chair, the cleansing of a teacup, but the general result of the whole is an atmosphere of moral and physical well-being, a condition favourable to the highest growth of human character.

It was my most important business for about forty years until, at the age of about fifty-six, I retired. The story of the early history of the oil trade is too well known to bear repeating in detail. The cleansing of crude petroleum was a simple and easy process, and at first the profits were very large.

In five the temple cleansing, at the Tabernacles Feast, the first and second attempt at stoning, and the kingly entry into the city the human will is stubbornly aggressively antagonistic to Jesus, but is absolutely restrained from what it is fully set upon doing. In the other seven incidents the power is miraculous or supernatural.

There will need to be a house-cleaning time, for we have let in so much of another sort. A soft, but very honest, searching light will come flooding in through the sky-light windows. And as we instinctively go to our knees and faces because of what that light brings to light, there will be a wondrous cleansing, both by blood and by fire.