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""You-all needn't gaze on us that a-way," says a gent named Granger; "you can set down a stack on it, you ain't goin' to pull on no war with none of us." ""Shore, no!" says the onhappy stranger. Then he goes on apol'getic; "Gents, I'm onfort'nately constitootcd. Onless I has trouble at reasonable intervals it preys on me. I've been yere in your town two weeks an' so far ain't seen the sign.

"Toothpick stoops down for the Red Dog man's gun, an' what do you- all think? He don't have no weapon, none whatever; nothin' more vig'rous than a peaceful flask of whiskey, which the same is still all safe in his r'ar pocket. "'He warn't heeled! says Toothpick, straightenin' up an' lookin' at us apol'getic an' disgusted.

The head-printer, lookin' apol'getic an' dejected, j'ins Boggs an' the Colonel where they sits.

"'I reckons I'm wrong, Dan, says Thompson, turnin' apol'getic. 'Let it all go to the diskyard. I'm that peevish I simply ain't fit to stay yere nor go anywhere else. I ain't been the same person since my wife runs cimmaron that time an' demands said sep'ration.

Shoestring Griffith is saved. "'Doorin' the subsequent line-up at the bar which concloods the ceremonies, Easy Aaron waxes indignant an' is harrowed to observe Billy Goodnight imbibin' with the rest. ""I thought you-all dead!" says Easy Aaron, in tones of wrathful reproach. ""Which I was dead," says Billy, sort o' apol'getic, "but them words of fire brings me to."

Bein' it's four o'clock in the mornin', the tenderfoot seems amazed at sech activities as faro-bank, an' high-ball, said devices bein' in full career; to say nothin' of the Dance Hall, which 'Temple of Mirth, as Hamilton who is proprietor tharof names it, is whoopin' it up across the street. "'Ain't you open rather late? says the shorthorn. His tones is apol'getic an' no offence is took.