United States or Saint Barthélemy ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In 733 B.C. this great conqueror again invaded Syria, beheaded Rezin its king, took Damascus, reduced five hundred and eighteen cities and towns to ashes, and carried back to Nineveh an immense spoil. In 728 B.C. Shalmanezer IV. appeared in Palestine, and invested Samaria.

The dimensions are 99 miles in length by 27 miles in width, and the population is 472,728. The capital is Iloilo, with a population of 10,380. It is situated 355 miles from Manila, and is the residence of the governor, captain of port, and a number of treasury, justice, and fomento officials. It has a pretty cathedral, a seminary, casa real, and court house.

Ep. Coleri 37. Ep. 412. p. 873. Ep. 880. p. 387. Ep. 439. p. 880. Ep. 444. p. 881. Ep. 1096. Ep. 1232. p. 557. Ep. præs. vir. 451. p. 728. Ep. 534. p. 914. Fabric. Delect. Argum. c. 30. p. 551. Joannis Christophori Lockeri Dissertatio Epistolica, Historiam libelli Grotiani De Veritate Religionis Christianæ complectens, 1725, in quarto; see also the Journal des Scavans de Pan. 1724.

The deficiency as stated in the bill amounted to $3,838,728, but after a careful settlement of all these accounts it has been ascertained that it amounts to $4,296,009. With the scanty means at his command the Postmaster-General has managed to pay that portion of this deficiency which occurred in the first two quarters of the past fiscal year, ending on the 31st December last.

Our exports to the United States are made up as follows: 30,686 bushels of Wheat ..................... L6,137 4 11 3,514 " Rye ....................... 351 8 0 3,728 " Peas ...................... 466 0 0 90 " Barley .................... 9 0 0 316 " Grass seed ................ 118 10 0 18,756 barrels of Flour ..................... 18,756 0 0 338 " Potash .................... 2,366 0 0 1,000 bushels of Potatoes .................. 62 10 0 92 M. Shingles .................. 23 0 0 117 M. Laths ..................... 43 15 0 18,210 lbs.

They resolved, on September 21, that the suspensive veto should extend over two legislatures. The numbers were 728 to 224. The new Committee, appointed on the 15th, took a fortnight to complete their scheme, on the adopted principles that there should be one Chamber, no dissolution, and a power of retarding legislation without preventing it.

A spring of warm and bitter water flowed from the hill over the surface to a distance of 400 or 500 yards, where it was absorbed by the soil. The temperature of the sources immediately under the hill was 106o Fahr., the thermometer standing at 80o in the air, and the aneroid gave an altitude of 728 feet above the sea. The rocks behind these springs were covered with ruins of mosques and houses.

The combination of the names was made possible by the social and political union of the two divisions of the land, and it was Ra who gave special glory to Amon. +728+. A different line of growth appears in the history of Osiris he owed his eminence mainly to his connection with the dead.

The large and bustling family of the sawyers, both top and bottom, he has utterly banished from their ancient haunts. 'There would be needed a million and a half of them to take the places of 11,199 steam-engines, of 314,774 horse-power, that are devastating our forests. An equal number is replaced by the 16,559 water-wheels, of 326,728 horse-power, engaged in the same field of havoc.

The names and duration are as follows, viz : Sut Jug, 1,728,000 years; Treth Jug, 1,296,000 years; Duapur Jug, 864,000 years; and Kul Jug. 432,000 years. This makes the present age of the world to be about 3,893,000 years! About five P. M. I reached Sirinugger, and found the advanced guard in possession of one of the bungalows.