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The sick person is kept in the spirit house for a day and is then returned to his home. See page 133. Little structures known as bolon are erected for other spirits who may be trying to injure the almogol or attempting to persuade it to leave its owner.

Innocent III, Epp. xvi. 133. Walter of Coventry, ii. 210. Rymer, Foedera, i. 120. The king of France may have been acting, as he would have the world believe, as the instrument of heaven to punish the enemy of the Church, but he did not learn with any great rejoicing of the conversion of John from the error of his ways.

A Howitzer in the act of firing 133 Dear H. Your letter has found me in the midst of work quite unconnected with this hideous war in which for the last eighteen months we in England have lived and moved and had our being.

In 133 the terrible fate of Numantia, and in 132 the merciless suppression of the Sicilian slave-revolt, warned all foes of the Republic that the sword, which the incompetence of many generals had made seem duller than of old, was still keen to smite; and except where some slave-bands were in desperate rebellion, and in Pergamus, where a pretender disputed with Rome the legacy of Attalus, every land along the shores of the Mediterranean was subject to or at the mercy of a town not half as large as the London of to-day.

He paid a visit to Appleby in Leicestershire and to Ashbourn. Ante, i. 82, 133 note 1. Oxford. July and August, about five weeks. Ante, i. 270, note 5. Oxford. July, length of visit not mentioned. Ante, i. 347. Lichfield. Winter, a visit of five days. Ante, i. 370. In the summer of this year his pension was granted, and he henceforth had the means of travelling. Ante, i. 372.

These evening-schools entailed an additional expense of 17,563 dollars; the whole expenditure for school purposes in the city being 430,982 dollars. In the ward and evening schools of New York, 133,000 individuals received instruction. Each ward, or educational district, elects 2 commissioners, 2 inspectors, and 8 trustees.

The congregation, on the other hand, made preparations for defence; and being joined by the earl of Glencarne from the west, and being countenanced by many of the nobility and gentry, they appeared formidable from their numbers, as well as from the zeal by which they were animated. * Knox, p. 129. Knox, p. 131. * Knox, p. 133.

When two such as thee and I meet, with Affections as we ought to have towards each other, thou should'st rejoice to see my peaceable Demeanour, and I should be glad to see thy Strength and Ability to protect me in it. No. 133. Thursday, August 2, 1711. Steele. 'Quis Desiderio sit pudor aut modus Tam Chari capitis? Hor.

Eighth Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of New York. Transmitted to the Legislature January 8,1882. Albany. C. Van Benthuysen, Printer. 8vo. pp. 133. Nolan's System for Training Cavalry Horses. New York. D. Van Nostrand. 12mo. pp. 114. $1.50. The Koran; commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed. Translated into English immediately from the Original Arabic.

Baron Mueller and I had consulted, and it was deemed advisable that I should make a peculiar feature near the Finke river, called Chambers' Pillar, my point of departure for the west. This Pillar is situated in latitude 24 degrees 55' and longitude 133 degrees 50', being 1200 miles from Melbourne in a straight line, over which distance Mr. Carmichael, a black boy, and I travelled.