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"Say," he went on, "you ain't bin fired? Has de boss give youse de trun-down? 'Cos if he has, say de woid and I'll fix him for youse, loidy. An' it won't set you back a nickel," he concluded handsomely. "No, no," cried Betty, horrified. "Mr. Smith has been very kind to me. I left of my own free will." Mr. Jarvis looked disappointed.

"I got two guns not a woid from youse!" His erstwhile amiable physiognomy, now gnarled into an unrecognizable mask of low villainy bespoke his desperate earnestness. The men obeyed. This was apparently a gangster, of gangsters their fear of the dire vengeance of a rival organization of cut-throats instilled an obedience more humble than any other threats.

Well, listen, dere's a Christmas tree of dem presents comin' to you ef ye tries any more of dis stuff. I'm in right in dis district, don't fergit it. Ye tink's I'm going to de Island? Wipe dat off yer memory, too. W'y, say, I kin git yer buttons torn off and yer shield put in de scrap heap by de Commish if I says de woid down on Fourteenth Street, at de bailiwick."

But I may as well tell you that this is a secret expedition. If you go you must promise that you will not tell anyone what you see or hear." The tramp's face suddenly took on a peculiar look, but it was gone as quickly. "I gives me woid. I won't open me trap to no one." "Meaning you won't say anything about it?" smiled Ned inquiringly. "Dat's it. Mum's de woid. I won't open me trap."

"Lookahere," he said, taking a step nearer me; "in oinest now, on your woid: Didn' more'n half them Jeanne d'Arc tamales live at that hotel wunst?" "Nobody of historical importance or any other kind of importance, so far as I know ever lived there," I informed him. "The older portions of the inn once belonged to an ancient farm-house, that is all."