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Among other careful and well-thought-out instructions came the order that, when possible, the murders should not take place in the town, but outside it, for clean Allah-fearing Moslems would not like to live in habitations defiled by Christian corpses.

He has surpassed himself, in fact, for I confess even with past experience to guide me, I did not imagine our machinery could have been so thoroughly smashed in so short a time. Ten long years of General Staff; Lyttelton, Nicholson, French, Douglas; where are your well-thought-out schemes for an amphibious attack on Constantinople? Not a sign!

"In this time of trial we can best help by waiting in patience. The fleet's turn will come; the fleet created by our Kaiser will fulfil its mission. Everyone of us recognizes that a well-thought-out plan is behind all this; even the enemy has premonitions of it. "In regard to England's downfall there can, may, and must be only one opinion. It is the very highest mission of German Kultur.

A distinguished woman writer is surprised that all of her well-thought-out plans for her children fail those children in whom she saw the material for her passion for governing, the clay that she desired to mould.

Nay, this patriot went further; he undertook to aid and abet Bülow in his well-thought-out plot.

Fodder is estimated to be much less than last year; by observing a unified and well-thought-out economic plan for Germany herself and the occupied territories, including Roumania, we shall be in a position to hold out with regard to fodder, as was also possible in the very dry year 1915. There is no doubt that the political situation is grave.

The problem, therefore, before the English and French at the Aisne, was not the carrying of the river against a disheartened and retreating army, but the carrying of the river against a well-thought-out and forceful plan a plan, moreover, backed up by the most powerful artillery that the world has ever seen.

She was enjoying herself immensely, and did not feel that she could ever endure the whole of a London season in one dose again. It was not a well-thought-out letter, being written in a haste that made itself obvious between the lines. Carfax had hired a motor-car, and was waiting for her.

It shall be an early endeavour of this person to get these restraining details equitably amended; but in the meantime we will retrace our footsteps through the wood, and the enraptured Ling will make a well-thought-out attempt to lighten the passage by a recital of his recently-composed verses on the subject of 'Exile from the Loved One; or, Farewell and Return."

This is the spoiling of a well-thought-out garden by the obtrusive staking of its plants.