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"Yeh; uh-uh-coshious!" sneezes Fuey. "Nen magistrate begin craw' 'long on his stoamch inchy inchy cross flaw out daw. Nen run fas' he can towards Tsan Ran Foo. "One mont' go by, an' magistrate sit up in his high chair in his court. Befron him dissa woman an' her beau, ole cover wif mark dissa bamboo po', an' dissa fadder-mudder-in-'aw, an' dissa highrob.

The "Ta-Hsio," or "Teaching for Adults," rendered also "The Great Learning," is really a treatise dealing with ethical, and especially with political, matters, the duties of rulers, ministers, etc. It is usually ascribed in part to "the master" himself, and in part to Tseng Tsan, one of the most illustrious of his disciples.

Nen he say: 'We', we'! You good dea' maw wise dissa magistrate Tsan Ran Foo. I hea' he was deglade his rank. Cannot fine who mudder! "Chan Tow say: 'Dissa magistrate mus' come fine me. No one ess can tay him. I tay you ole about dissa mudder.

We have seen something of the great Shwe Dagon pagoda in Rangoon, but there are many others almost equally beautiful, if not so large: the exquisite Shwe Tsan Daw at Prome, the Arracan near Mandalay, while in old Pagan, Pegu, Moulmein, and a host of other places, are temples which one might well think could not be surpassed for beauty.

The Bill on the Constitution of Chung Hua Min Kuo shall be fixed by the Tsan Cheng Yuan. Art. 61. When the Bill on the Constitution of the Chung Hua Min Kuo has been passed by the Tsan Cheng Yuan, it shall be submitted by the President to the Citizens' Conference for final passage. The organization of the Citizens' Conference shall be fixed by the Provisional Constitution Conference. Art. 62.

Fifty members elected from the Tsan Cheng Yuan. Fifty members elected from the Li Fa Yuan. The said members shall be elected by ballot among the members themselves. Those who secure the largest number of votes shall be elected. The election shall be presided over by the Minister of Interior.

If such bill should be again passed by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the Li Fa Yuan but at the same time the President should firmly hold that it would greatly harm the internal administration or diplomacy to enforce such law or there will be great and important obstacles against enforcing it, he may withhold promulgation with the approval of the Tsan Cheng Yuan. Art. 35.

The Tsan Cheng Yuan shall answer the inquiries of the President and discuss important administrative affairs. The organization of the Tsan Cheng Yuan shall be fixed by the Provisional Constitution Conference. Art. 50. Levying of new taxes and dues and change of tariff shall be decided by law.

If such bill should be again passed by a two- thirds vote of the members present at the Li Fa Yuan but at the same time the President should firmly hold that it would greatly harm the internal administration or diplomacy to enforce such law or there will be great and important obstacles against enforcing it, he may withhold promulgation with the approval of the Tsan Cheng Yuan. Art. 35.

For national war or suppression of internal disturbance or under unusual circumstances when time will not permit to convoke the Li Fa Yuan, the President may make emergency disposal of finance with the approval of the Tsan Cheng Yuan, but in such case he shall ask the Li Fa Yuan for indemnification at its next session. Art. 56.