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Updated: August 7, 2024

"'My lord, I have not the money! wept Master Tibbald. "'Thou hast good silks and merchandise, and six good mules. We will commute thy fine for these, and even give one mule into the bargain, but upon conditions. "'Nothing I gainsay, so that Our Lady lift this spell from me. "'The agreement was to quit Ambialet in the way thou camest.

I could not help regretting, as Tibbald dilated on these things, that the village millwright no longer existed; the care, the skill, the forethought, the sense of just proportion he exhibited quite took him out of the ranks of the mere workman. He was a master of his craft, and the mind he put into it made him an artist. Tibbald went on that he did not care for the Derby or Welsh millstones.

Tibbald, of course, had his joke about that part of the machinery which is called the 'damsel. He was a righteous man enough as millers go, but your miller was always a bit of a knave; nor could he forbear from boasting to me how he had been half an hour too soon for Hilary last Overboro' market. He said the vast water-wheel was of elm, but it would not last so long up so near the springs.

The task was one for which he had few qualifications, and his execution of it at once laid him open to a new attack from a fresh opponent, Lewis Theobald, afterward the Tibbald of the "Dunciad" and the "Satires." Then he followed up the "Iliad" by the "Odyssey," in which he was assisted by Fenton and Broome.

"'In truth, said he, 'you have suffered scurvy treatment; yet what affects me is the waste of this wine which you intended for Our Lady of the Oder. As lord of Ambialet I am behoven to protect her offerings. "'But the stripes, monseigneur! urged Tibbald. 'The stripes were given me in her name. Listen, therefore, I pray you, to my suggestion: Let the burg pay me fair compensation for my wine.

As I parted with Tibbald that morning he whispered to me, as he leaned over the hatch, to say a good word for him with Hilary about the throw of oak that was going on in one part of the Chace. 'If you was to speak to he, he could speak to the steward, and may be I could get a stick or two at a bargain' with a wink.

My guards will take you there. 'The devil a furlong know I of this accursed spot, answered Tibbald viciously, 'seeing that I arrived here a good hour after dark, and by a road as heathenish as yourselves. "'You shall travel by boat, then, said the King, 'since the road mislikes you.

"'But here is witchcraft! cried he, spreading out both hands and groping with them, like a man in a fit. 'Two good leagues at the least have I travelled downstream from Ambialet "His speech failed. "'And still art face to face with thy wickedness, the Viscount concluded for him. 'Pay us speedily, Master Tibbald, lest Our Lady work more miracles upon thee.

"So the townsfolk smoking the King's jest two stout servitors led the merchant down to the landing by the upper ferry, and there, having hoisted him aboard a boat, thrust off into the stream. The current soon swept them past the town; and for a while, as the boat spun downward and the dark woods slipped past him, and he felt the night-wind cold on his brow, Master Tibbald sat in a mortal fright.

"So once more Master Tibbald voyaged around the great loop of the river, and, arriving yet once again at Ambialet which he deemed by this time to be some leagues behind him was met at the lower stage by a company of halberdiers, who escorted him, with his protector, to the great lighted Hall, wherein sat a dozen grave men around a great oaken table, all deep in business.

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