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The promise included quite firmly the possibility of not unnatural changes in himself such as young ardor could not foresee, even the possibility of his new life withdrawing him entirely from the plane on which rapture could materialize on twenty dollars a week in a flat in Harlem. Type as exotic as Tembarom's was to his solicitor naturally suggested problems. Mr.

It became Tembarom's task during the meal to keep his eyes from turning too often toward it and its owner. If she had been a girl who took things hard, she might have taken her father very hard indeed.

"Say," said Tembarom, reflectively, "doesn't it seem queer to think of a fellow having to keep up his spirits because he's fallen into three hundred and fifty thousand a year? You wouldn't think he'd have to, would you?" "But you find he has?" queried Galton, interestedly. Tembarom's lifted eyes were so honest that they were touching. "I don't know where I'm at," he said.

Burrill had presented himself in answer to the bell, and awaited orders. His Grace called Tembarom's attention to him, and Tembarom included Palliser with Palford and Grimby when he gave his gesture of instruction. "Take these gentlemen to Sir Ormsby Galloway, and then ask Mr. Temple Barholm if he'll come down-stairs," he said.

But she laid her poor head on the back of the bench and cried and wouldn't listen. She says she cares for me too much to " Tembarom's hand clutched his shoulder. His face lighted and glowed suddenly. "Care for you too much," he asked. "Did she say that? God bless her!" "That's what I said," broke in Pearson.

Hutchinson turned and listened, jerking his head toward the sound. "There's that poor chap again," he said. "He's wakened and got restless. What's Tembarom going to do with him, I'd like to know? The money won't last forever." "Shall I let him in, Father? I dare say he's got restless because Mr. Tembarom's not come in." "Aye, we'll let him in. He won't have thee long.