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'Whew w! he softly whistled. 'Wall, it takes two mittens t'make a pair ye'll hev t'ask her ag in. 'Yes I cannot give her up, I said decisively, 'I must try to win her back. It isn't fair. I have no claim upon her. But I must do it. 'Consarn it! women like t'be chased, he said. 'It's their natur'. What do they fix up so fer di'mon's an' silks an' satins if 'tain't t'set men a chasm 'uv 'em?

When he spoke his voice was gentle, and though the tremulousness of age harped on the vocal strings, it was rigidly controlled. "Kin some kine gelmun," he asked, "please t'be so good ez t' show de ole main whuh de W'ite-Caips is done shoot Marse Hawkliss?" "Here was where it happened, Uncle Zen," answered Wiley, leaning him forward. "Here is the stain."

I'd . . . hoped you'd miscalculate . . . kill me clean . . . 'fore it came to this. Now I just want you . . . t'be certain . . . I do know what I'm doing." He straightened as much as he was able, drew in breath, and forced himself to speak the single short phrase he'd chosen. Hearing himself say it, deliberately, would wipe out Major Horst Marguerre. Nonsense syllables, Joste thought.

'We're goin' west an' we mustn't let the grass grow under us. Got t'be purty spry I can tell ye. It was quite dark and he felt his way carefully down the cow-paths into the broad pasture. With every step I kept a sharp lookout for swifts, and the moon shone after a while, making my work easier.

'Knew he was lyin', Uncle Eb added with a laugh, 'I'd seen him talkin' with Bill a day er two before. 'Whew! he whistled as he looked at his big silver watch. 'I declare it's mos' one o clock They's jes' one other piece o' business if come before this meetin'. Double or single, want ye if both promise me t'be hum Crissmus. We promised. 'Now childern, said he. ''S time if go if bed.