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Only the central portion about two miles wide discharges icebergs. The two wings advanced over the washed and stratified moraine deposits have little or no motion, melting and receding as fast, or perhaps faster, than it advances.

In other cases, a group which occupied the higher altitudes and practiced hunting or slash-and-burn agriculture came into closer contacts with another group in the valleys which practiced some form of higher agriculture; frequently, such contacts resulted in particular forms of division of labour in a unified and often stratified new form of society.

There cannot be any doubt with regard to the original formation of those stratified bodies, as having been formed of the materials that are natural to this earth, viz. the detritus of former bodies; and as having been deposited in water, like the horizontal strata: For the substances and bodies of which they are visibly composed are no other than those which form the most regular horizontal strata, and which are continually traveling, or transported at the bottom of the sea, such as gravel, and sand, argillaceous and micaceous bodies.

It is not the explanation here given by the Chevalier de Dolomieu, of the manner in which this great mass of land was formed in the sea, that is concerned with the subject at present under our examination, but certain facts set forth in the Memoir, and a certain conclusion which is there endeavoured to be drawn from those interesting facts . This will be understood by considering; first, it is on all hands acknowledged, that the stratified matter of the globe was successively deposited in the bottom of the sea; secondly, it is also agreed, that this great mass of Sicily, formed originally under the sea, was afterwards placed in the atmosphere, whether by the retreat of the sea or by the elevation of the land; and now, lastly, we are of one mind with respect to the present shape of things, as having been produced by the wasting away of great part of that mass which had been once continued all over the island, as high at least as the tops of the mountains, i.e. about a mile above the level of the sea; we only differ in the time and agents which have been employed in this Operation.

The river above Keadom is again crossed, by a plank bridge, at a place where the contracted streams flow between banks forty feet high, composed of obscurely stratified gravel, sand, and water-worn boulders. Above this the path ascends lofty flat-topped spurs, which overhang the river, and command some of the most beautiful scenery in Sikkim.

The shells are packed together, but not stratified: they are mingled with earth and stones, and are generally covered by a few inches of detritus; they rest on a mass of nearly angular fragments of the underlying sandstone, sometimes cemented together by common salt. I collected eighteen species of shells of all ages and sizes.

The high plateaus of northern Arizona and southern Utah, north of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, are composed of stratified rocks more than ten thousand feet thick and of very gentle inclination northward. From the broad plat form in which the canyon has been cut rises a series of gigantic stairs, which are often more than one thousand feet high and a score or more of miles in breadth.

About here, some of the trachytic porphyry which forms the substance of the hills had happened to have cooled, under suitable conditions, from the molten state into a sort of slag or volcanic glass, which is the obsidian in question; and, in places, this vitreous lava from one layer having flowed over another which was already cool was regularly stratified.

Overlying this lignite are first, as at Utznach, stratified gravel not of glacial origin, about 30 feet thick; and secondly, highest of all, huge angular erratic blocks clearly indicating the presence of a great glacier posterior in date to all the organic remains above enumerated.

I have thus shown, that, from not perceiving the wise disposition of things upon the surface of this earth for the preservation of vegetable bodies, our author has been led to deny the necessary waste of the present earth, and the consequent preparation of materials for the construction of another; I have also shown, that he denies the origin which I had attributed to the stratified parts of this earth, as having been the collection of moving materials from a former earth; and now I am come to consider the professed purpose of this paper, viz. the examination of solid stony substances which we find in those strata of our earth, as well as in more irregular masses.