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A few minutes more decided the point, a cry of vexation escaping us as his boat touched the shore, and, coolly drawing her up on the strand, he was seen to make towards the woods. "Shall I bring him down, sir?" asked the seaman who sat in the sternsheets with a musket, marine fashion, between his knees. "No, no," was the answer.

Then we went down around through the cleft to the shore, where the boat was pulling in. Well, there was Jimmy in the sternsheets, in a white yachting suit Me with my hyena pants, and Jenny in her leopard-skin dress!" "Say, you were doing the Crusoe business!" cackled Griffith. "It shook me out of my dream all right, soon as I set eyes on Jimmy.

Now she was lost to sight, as she sank into a valley on the farther side of the inner roller; now she rose to the foaming summit of the next. "He'll do it!" cried the little commodore, standing up in the sternsheets, that he might the better watch the progress of the young commander's boat, and clapping his hands like a midshipman.

While Rupert and Denis pulled, Crawford sat in the sternsheets, more than once turning his head to ascertain how near the Zulus had got. He and his companions on horseback had distanced them so much that he and Denis had time to exchange a few words. "You gave us a tremendous fright, I can assure you, Denis," said Crawford.

"Do as the coxswain tells you down for your lives!" Our chaps who were seated on the thwarts forwards and amidships at once scrambled down on the bottom boards, while we in the sternsheets, including Mr Chisholm himself, squatted on the grating, only old Draper sitting up still at his post aft with both hands holding the loom of the steering oar in a firm grip.

The shabby load lumbering her looked somehow as if it had been stolen by those men who resembled castaways. In the sternsheets Carter, standing up, steered with his leg. He had a smile of youthful sarcasm. "Here they are!" he cried to Lingard. "You've got your own way, Captain. I thought I had better come myself with the first precious lot " "Pull around the stern.

Before a single man attempted to get on board, the gallant commodore, who, though not afraid of the hottest fire, had an especial dread of getting wet, was again carried for some distance on Bashan's shoulders, till he was safely deposited in the sternsheets of his boat, where the giant, with dripping clothes, followed him.