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Long before the sun was up his busy mop and broom were heard in the land, and the slip-slap of his carpet slippers, flopping along the halls as he made his nightly round, was the lullaby of dissipated souls who "retired" at eleven. Results followed with gratifying promptness.

Another party of the crew, meanwhile, under the superintendence of the boatswain, had manned the windlass, bringing in the cable slack with a "slip-slap" and "click-clack" of the pall, as the winch went round, the moment the skipper's warning cry, "Hands up anchor," was heard from aft. "Hove short, sir," then sang out the boatswain.

"'The Lady Crinoline sits upstairs alone, said the page, 'and is a-thinking of you. Then he added in a whisper, 'Do you go at her straight, Mr. Macassar; slip-slap, and no mistake. "All honour to the true and brave! "As Macassar walked across the drawing-room, Crinoline failed to perceive his presence, although his boots did creak rather loudly.

Motors rushed along the roadway with a roar and a whir and were gone, leaving a trail of laughter behind them. From the open window of the room below came the slip-slap of cards on the polished table surface, and the low buzz of occasional conversation as the players held postmortems. Under the street light the popcorn vender's cart made a blot on the mystic beauty of the scene below.

The head sails were backed, the windlass came round "slip-slap" to the cry of the sailors; "Hove short, sir," said the mate; "Up with him!" "Aye, aye, sir." A few hearty and long heaves, and the anchor showed its head. "Hook cat!"

Two or three attempts upon the bell-push brought no response, and he could hear no sound of life through the door. He waited composedly. It did not enter his head that all the occupants might be out; and he was right, for presently, after he had thumped on the door with his gloved fist, there was a slip-slap of feet within and a sloven of a woman opened to him. Mr. Baruch gave her his smile.

The overhead light dimmed briefly when the pump load was thrown on and then the slip-slap sound of the pump filled the shed. They watched and listened for a couple of minutes. Assured that the pump was working satisfactorily, they left the wrecked pumphouse. Johnny was carrying the gasoline can of milk. "Good thing you set this off to one side where it didn't get hit and go off," he said.

The day after he heard of the engagement Uncle Bat went to town, and, on his return, he gave Gertrude L100 to buy her wedding-clothes, and half that sum to her mother, in order that the thing might go off, as he expressed himself, 'slip-slap, and no mistake. To Linda he gave nothing, but promised her that he would not forget her when her time came.

As she fanned her flushed face with her sleeve, she glanced again and again toward the narrow stairway that led to the chamber above, and at the slightest sound she listened in smiling expectancy. From outside the wall came the gentle slip-slap of the water against the sampan, and the cheerful banter of the owners as they made ready for the work of the day.