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One or the other will break down and tell the whole plot." "Say!" gasps Ellery. "Wouldn't that be slick! Just the way they do in the movie dramas, eh?" I had to smother a chuckle when that came out, for I'd already recognized some of the symptoms of a motion picture mind while Ellery was sketchin' out this wild tale. "Go to the movies much down in Shelby?" I asks. "Most every night," says Ellery.

Proceeding to my bed-room, which, as I said before, adjoined the parlour, I brought out the box containin' my sketchin' fixins, and opening of a secret drawer, showed him a small paper of bronze-coloured powder.

Robert the guest of honor was a loud talkin' young gent who'd just come in from a tour of the Middle West with a bunch of orders big enough, if you let him tell it, to keep his firm's presses on night shifts for a year. He was some hero, I take it, and for the benefit of the rest of the bunch he was sketchin' out his methods. "As I understood the young man," says Mr.

In this case, all was lovely and serene until Marjorie gets this 'phone call. I hears her summonin' Vee panicky and sketchin' out the details. "It's Ella May Buell!" says she. "She's down at the station." Seems that Miss Buell was a boardin'-school friend who was about to cash in one of them casual blanket invitations that girls give out so reckless you know, the Do-come-and-see-me-any-time kind.

It's convenienter than the old stove. He wanted to pay me fur the gas it burned when he was here sketchin', but I wouldn't stand fur that." The ropey, rubbery something was the tube connecting the heater with the gas-fixture. "I move we light 'er up, and make the place comfortable; then we can talk this matter over," continued Mr. Bud. "Shet the door, an' siddown."

How he gets away with that stuff without makin' the rock pile is by me, but he seems to do it reg'lar. And wouldn't you guess he'd be just the one to have finicky ideas as to how his son and heir should conduct himself. Sure thing! I heard him sketchin' some of 'em out to Old Hickory. "The trouble with most young fellows," says he, "is that they're brought up too soft.