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She had seen the Witla apartment, and had been very much pleased with it. The reception day came and Angela begged Eugene to come home early. "I know you don't like to be alone with a whole roomful of people, but Mr. Scalchero was none other than Arthur Skalger, of Port Jervis, New Jersey, but he assumed this corruption of his name in Italy to help him to success.

"Have a cup with me?" "I will." "He's trying to tell me, Mr. Skalger, that I should never laaf. I must only grin." Her lips parted and she laughed joyously. Eugene laughed with her. He could not help it. "Ma-ma´ says I giggle all the time. I wouldn't do very well here, would I?" She always pronounced it "ma-ma´." She turned to Eugene again with big smiling eyes. "Exceptions, exceptions.

Dale stayed, talking to Arthur Skalger. Eugene was in and out between the studio and cloak room off the entry way. Now and then he caught glimpses of Suzanne demurely standing by her tea cups and samovar. For years he had seen nothing so fresh and young as her body. She was like a new grown wet white lily pod in the dawn of the year.

It is the high-born prerogative of tea servers to grin occasionally, but never, never, never under any circumstances whatsoever " Suzanne's lips were beginning to part ravishingly in anticipation of a burst of laughter. "What's all the excitement about, Witla?" asked Skalger, who had drifted to his side. "Why this sudden cessation of progress?" "Tea, my son, tea!" said Eugene.

And I wanted you to hear it, too." "Don't grieve, Florrie," he said familiarly, holding her hand and looking momentarily in her eyes. "You're going to sing it again for me. I heard part of it as I came up on the elevator." He relinquished her hand. "Why, Mrs. Dale! Delighted, I'm sure. So nice of you. And Arturo Scalchero hullo, Skalger, you old frost! Where'd you get the Italian name? Bonavita!