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That would avoid interference and delay and would give her a chance to act deliverer at this end, and so make 'em grateful to her you see? Rewa Gunga told me all this, you understand. He seems to think she's semi-divine. He was full of her cleverness in having thought of letting 'em all get into debt at a house of ill repute, so as to have 'em at hand when she wanted 'em."

Brahmins who, being of the priestly caste, claim to be semi-divine rather than mere men, will take up professions or clerical work, but with all his experience of India he had never heard of any of them engaging in such manual labour. "How do you get them?" he asked. "Oh, they come here to ask for employment themselves," replied Daleham.

Cormac in his Glossary tells us she was a daughter of the Dagda and a goddess whom all poets adored, and whose sisters were Brigit the physician and Brigit the smith. Probably the three sisters represent the same divine, or semi-divine, person whom we may identify with the British goddess Brigantia and the Gaulish Brigindo.” By E. Andrews, p. 18.

The Kouretes were, as their name indicates, a band of armed youths, of semi-divine origin, "Kureten sind von Haus aus halb-gottlich damonische Wesen nicht nur menschliche Priester, oder deren mythische Vertreter." Again, they are to be considered as "elementare Urwesen," and as such of "Gottliche Abkunft."

She met the young woman too somewhere, and got the impression I can't say how that she would 'go. So on the Saturday morning she went over in her pony-carriage broke in on the little Rectory like a hurricane of course you know the people about here regard her as something semi-divine! and told the girl she had come to take her back to Crosby Ledgers for the Sunday.