United States or Greenland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Whether my first success had put new confidence in me, or whether my past experiences had somewhat rounded off my rough edges and enabled me to speak to business people in a more effective manner than I could have done before, the proprietor of a small department store on upper Third Avenue let me show him my samples. My prices made an impression on him.

We have seen samples of it before and it is very unusual in fact, no one has seen anything like it. Therefore your claim that it is stolen is a palpable pretense, to deprive me of my rights under our constitution. "Yes?" prompted Wunpost, dropping his hand on his pistol, and Eells paused and glanced at Lapham. "Well," he conceded, "of course I can't prove anything and "

And there she sought to gather all that was most representative of English activities, and did, in fact, in those brilliant nocturnal crowds, get samples of nearly every section of our social and intellectual life, with a marked predominance upon the political and social side. I remember sitting in one of the recesses at the end of the big saloon with Mrs.

A venerable-looking subject of some foreign country stood writing at one desk, a little boy at the other, and George's veritable "old man" at the low desk. Here and there around the floor were baskets and papers containing samples of sea-island and upland cotton. George introduced the Captain to his father with the suavity of a courtier.

The man who did them was of good intelligence, talented, glib, probably young. In the samples of his work you found there would have been nothing to stir you to more than a faint interest in the whims of life no deep interior laughs, no sense of futility or hint of tragedy.

Their actual contents have not yet been gauged, but there is every reason to believe that those coal-beds which have been seen are but samples of many others which will, when properly worked, satisfy the needs of a much larger population than the country now possesses. Like the lower coals of Scotland, the Russian coals are found in the carboniferous limestone.

A year or two ago if your author is little better than one of the foolish now, what in charity must he have been then? I took it upon me to indite an innocent, stingless satire, whereof for samples take the following.

At last he had sailed amid the murmurs of an incredulous crowd, who thought him and his companions doomed to certain destruction, and now he had returned bringing with him the living proofs of what he had declared to exist beyond that mysterious ocean, and showed to the astounded people samples of the unknown plants and animals, and of the gold which he had said would be found there in fabulous quantities.

The weekly hours of labor shall consist of 50 hours in 6 working days, to wit, nine hours on all days except the sixth day, which shall consist of five hours only. No overtime work shall be permitted between the fifteenth day of November and the fifteenth day of January, or during the months of June and July, except upon samples.

When Sandy heard that, and saw the old fellow leaving, he began to scold. "Aren't you going to pay me for what you've eaten?" he asked. "What! Pay you for the samples?" Uncle Sammy asked. "I guess, young man, you don't know much about keeping a store. Nobody ever pays for samples." And he went away muttering to himself. Sandy Chipmunk felt very sad.