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Updated: August 21, 2024

She wore a plain path across the unpaved street to our house, and another to our neighbor's. "Sat iss a too great risk," she compassionately maintained, "to leaf even in se daytime sose shiltren so late sick alone viss only mine hussbandt and se sairvants!" The doctor was concerned for Mrs. Fontenette from the beginning.

Oor hero was borr-rn in affluent saircumstances his faither bein' the laird o' Maclacity, his mither a Fitzroy o' Soosex. Fitz McGinty lived i' a graund castle wi' thoosands o' sairvants to wait on him, an' he ate his parritch wi' a deemond spune.

"Ye must bring in one of the sairvants of this place," he said. "Some common paarter, who has no friends." "Trust me," said Prance. "I will find a likely fellow among the Queen's household. I have several in my mind for the honour." "Truly the plaace is a nest of Paapists," said Oates. "And not such as you, Mr. Prance, who putt England before the Paape.

Here all spik Angleesh, c'est a dire, ze personnel; ze sairvants do spik, plus ou moins, a little. I am happy to have you comme pensionnaires " "Madame," began Dr. Byram, but was cut short again. "Ah, yess, I know, ah! mon Dieu! you do not spik Frainch but you have come to lairne! My husband does spik Frainch wiss ze pensionnaires.

Many ossehs befo'e I haf savedt vhen hadt sose doctohs no long-eh any hope! Mine Gott! vas sare so much hope vhen she and her hussbandt mine sick hussbandt and me out of se street took in? Vill you let stay by mine hussbandt, anyhow a short vhile, one of yo' so goodt sairvants?" The instant I assented she flew down the veranda steps, through the garden, and out across the street.

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