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The grain of sand is etheric matter as well as prakritic matter. It exists on the etheric plane exactly the same as it exists on the prakritic, and it has etheric form as well as prakritic form.

The light transferred to this etheric globe from its mother, Alcyone, manifests itself in the lower vibration of the sun as Attraction; in the higher vibrations of its envelope as Repulsion, and within the kinetic skin wherein these forces play, the prakritic globes, planets, were born. Take our earth. Each atom is fourfold whether of the static core or of the static gaseous envelope.

The Hindu understands without explanation. He understands his physics. The Hindu physics teaches, with ours, that "the ether is the source of all energy," but, it adds, "as prana is the source of all life, and manasa of all mind." "When the prakritic atom is vibrating in chord with its etheric envelope," say our textbooks, "we have physical phenomena light, heat, electricity."

We can study them as easily as we study our prakritic village laws, or our etheric county laws, for all the forms of manasa subject to them anywhere are here with us.

It is four down and three up for the Angel entering matter, whether from the outmost boundary of manasic matter, or the surface of the earth, or the cover of a baseball. The "chain of globes" in the Secret Doctrine represents the unity of the material universe. The three-fold nature of the astral model is revealed, and the unity of all prakritic things.

He was the product in kinetic manasa of the three spiritual planes above him, precisely as the animal man was the product in kinetic prakriti of the three material planes above him. The latter was the "shadow" of the other. The animal man had a prakritic body, with energy, life and mind that were material. So far all was good.

All things in the prakritic world flow from the Life of the etheric and the Mind of the pranic worlds. Everything in the etheric world has life, and our unconscious personification or "vivification" of etheric life transferred into fauna or flora, or into force of any kind, has a natural explanation.

Only a few of those within the pranic kinetic belts reached the etheric. And of all who have reached this earth, only a few may win their way back before the great day Be-With-Us. The problem of man, and his relations to the universe, are an entirely different line of study from that of the Spiritual Monad, the over-soul of every prakritic atom.

Stop the motion; bring it to a state of rest. The astral shadow disappears. It was merely spiritual phenomena. Each and every astral atom is a model in miniature of the material and spiritual universe. Each and every prakritic atom is the joint result of spirit and matter united and working together of physics and metaphysics; and in its last analysis pure spirit; pure metaphysics.

"The second lesson it taught us was that as the earth had been made in the etheric globe, in a corresponding skin or plane of kinetic etheric energy, with our ether the best of the solar output, that we ourselves were subject through our ether to the phenomena of that kinetic solar plane in precisely the same way we now are to the phenomena of the kinetic prakritic plane.