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He insisted that one of them come into the cave to prove @'s identity before he'd give up his blaster and when he did, he only had one half-exhausted powerpack, and a knife for a backup. That was one brave and determined young man.* *I must agree. Ranger Tarlac was most fortunate he and the unusual rebel were in the area.*

"They are unconscious and they will have painful headaches when they wake, but other than that, they are fine." "Only because it was an exercise, I'd say." Nevan picked up the powerpack, replaced it in the stunner, and holstered his weapon. "May I ask a tactical question?" "Of course." "In that case, why did you knock them out and simply remove the power-pack from my stunner?

Tarlac remained outwardly impassive, though he was becoming convinced that Lord Robert was, to use the Marine expression, firing from a dead powerpack.

So he did know the warrior caste's language, another point of similarity in his favor. Ryan examined the saber, checking for the small traces of workmanship that distinguished Vader-made lightsabers from those of other clans. They were there, including Leigh's engraved signature inside the powerpack cover.

He stopped just short of the cross corridor, then entered swiftly, in a crouch, his stunner ready to fire but he was looking to his left, away from her, and that gave her the time she needed to push the stunner's powerpack release and, as it fell, spring at him with her sheathed blade coming to rest at the angle of his jaw, close under his ear.

The only alternative he could see to playing decoy was using the cave as a fort if the rebels found them, and that didn't sound much better now than it had the first time he'd thought of it. One disruptor without even a single spare powerpack wasn't much to build hopes on.