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Tartaric acid is such a substance; and if a single spore of the commonest and most troublesome of moulds Penicillium be sown in a saucerful of water, in which tartrate of ammonia, with a small percentage of phosphates and sulphates is contained, and kept warm, whether in the dark or exposed to light, it will, in a short time, give rise to a thick crust of mould, which contains many million times the weight of the original spore, in protein compounds and cellulose.

These phosphates are something of a symbol: there are men and women fashioned after this model. I question whether the men of the Pax Romana could ever have reached the phosphate-extracting stage. They were not trending in that direction.

Böcker prove sugar to be a great saver of the phosphates, and hence of bone, which affords, at least, a very plausible reason for the instinctive fondness of children for sweets, during the building portion of their lives. In exhausting labors, long-continued exposure, and to insure wakefulness, the uses of coffee and tea have long been practically recognized by all classes.

Here hundreds of acres will be covered with glass houses, and men and women will tend with gentle hands the young plants. Elsewhere hundreds of acres will be cleared and broken up by machinery worked by steam, improved by manures and enriched by phosphates.

Such devices are used, I think, at several points on the western coast of South America for putting guano and phosphates on board of vessels where communication with the shore is hazardous and uncertain on account of swell or surf. The second difficulty, namely, that of transportation to the front, might have been avoided by taking to Cuba a larger number of wagons and mules.

"I have here some quotations taken from the directors of several of these experiment stations which fairly represent the opinions which they have expressed concerning their own investigations. Thus the Maryland director says: "'The results obtained with the insoluble phosphates has cost usually less than one-half as much as that with the soluble phosphates.

"When the rich man at the Manufactory here, the place where they sell phosphates for the land, when he stands beer to all the workmen and to the countryside, I always say, 'Fools! All this will be put on to the cost of the phosphates; they will cost you more!" Mr.

"No, the doctor both doctors have told me that. I can eat starches, and albumens, all right, but I have to keep right away from all carbons and nitrogens. I've been dieting that way for two years, except that now and again I take a little glucose or phosphates." "That must be a nice change," I said, cheerfully. "It is," he answered in a grateful sort of tone. There was a pause.

In the chapter on historic personages analyzed from the endocrine viewpoint, we shall see that some of the most eminent and illustrious people of history have been pituitary-centered. Natural ability grows in an endocrine soil of a particular kind, perhaps affected by the internal secretions much as natural soil is by fertilizers like phosphates or nitrates.

We now know in various parts of the world extensive and practically inexhaustible deposits, whence may be obtained the phosphates, potash, soda, etc., which we take from the soil in our crops. We also have learned ways in which the materials contained in our sewage may be kept from the sea and restored to the fields.