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"The cake is not baked yet, and we shall see what we shall see." From this onward until the end a pinkness mounted in her pale, delicate cheeks, and deep, strong resentment burned beneath her discreetly expressed indiscretions. "The cake is not baked, and I, at least, am not solicitous. I tell my cousin, Mrs. Gregory St. Michael, that she must not forget it was merely his phosphates.

In 1890 the Massachusetts Experiment Station began investigations with different phosphates applied in equal money value, and in his report for 1900 the director states that the raw rock phosphate ranks above the acid phosphate both as an average for the entire period and as an average between 1895 and 1900, during which time the land to which no phosphorus was applied produced only 55 per cent as much as where raw phosphate was used a result worth every farmer's consideration.

She took the glass, tipped it up and drained every drop of its contents. "By George," said he, "you took a good dose." "Oh, I'm used to drinking phosphates; but never heard of it as an antidote for seasickness before. Have you had a drink of it?" "Oh, yes; I've had two drinks since I left the wharf."

For the gloomiest occasion he had some strengthening text, and one of the last things he did before he left home was to make for her a little book which he called "Faith for Cloudy Days," consisting of energising and sustaining phrases from certain great writers, as it were, a bottle of philosophical phosphates against seasons of spiritual cowardice or debility.

Muscles, nerves, all the wonderful tissues, are in process of formation; and in the strange growth and development of this most helpless yet most precious of all God's creations, there are certain elements which must be had, phosphates to harden the delicate bones; nitrogen for flesh, which is only developed muscle; carbon, or sugar and fat, which represent carbon, for the whole wonderful course of respiration and circulation.

She learned by heart the nutritive ingredients of the principal articles of diet, and revolutionized the cuisine by an attempt to establish a scientific average between starch and phosphates. Four cooks left during this experiment, and Lethbury fell into the habit of dining at his club.

The gold of North Carolina, the phosphates of Florida, and the iron ores of Alabama are here in plain sight. California, Montana, Colorado, Idaho, shows a gorgeous exhibit of gold and other precious ores.

A noted European chemist, Dr. Leduc, has produced what he calls "osmotic growths," from purely unorganized mineral matter growths in form like seaweed and polyps and corals and trees. His seeds are fragments of calcium chloride, and his soil is a solution of the alkaline carbonates, phosphates, or silicates.

"Good fellows," said Dufresnoy. "They will slit your throat for a you." The surface phosphates having already become exhausted, the mineral is now pursued into the dim recesses of the earth.

In a former letter I showed you how great a waste of phosphates is unavoidable in England, and referred to the well-known fact that the importation of bones restored in a most admirable manner the fertility of the fields exhausted from this cause.