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True, they had had their little tiffs, notably on the occasion when Tuppy with what he said was fearless honesty and I considered thorough goofiness had told Angela that her new hat made her look like a Pekingese.

Brewer, resuming a comfortable arm-chair in front of the fire, and adjusting the Pekingese on her lap. "I am so grateful to you for coming to see us in this unconventional way. I have been so anxious to see you! Everybody has heard of you, Mr. Colwyn you're so famous. It was only the other day that I was reading a long article about you in some paper or other.

As for the troupe of Pekingese, with aristocratic noses tilted high in air, they submitted to being washed, brushed, and fed by Walter much as they would have accepted the services of any other maid or valet. They seemed to be conscious of their pedigree and claim attention as their right.

At the back of the house a young Pomeranian dog, which had recently solaced Miss Ingate in the loss of a Pekingese done to death by a spinster's too-nourishing love, was prancing on his four springs round the chained yard-dog, his friend and patron.

"At least I was before the war. She had blue eyes and brown hair and a Pekingese dog." "What was her name?" "I don't know." "Well, you're coming on," said Archie. "I'll admit that.

Remarks have been passed about my tummy which it is impossible to overlook." "But, Tummy Tuppy, I mean be fair. You once told her her new hat made her look like a Pekingese." "It did make her look like a Pekingese. That was not vulgar abuse. It was sound, constructive criticism, with no motive behind it but the kindly desire to keep her from making an exhibition of herself in public.

Some officer had found an extra slicker for her and an umbrella. Possibly the officer in olive drab who assisted her to the nearest covered 'ricksha and directed the placement of her luggage. "China!" "Yes, ma'am. Mandarin coats and oranges, jade and jasmine, Pekingese and red chow dogs." "Oh, I don't mean that kind!" she interrupted.

Consequently, climatic factors will tend to make a population possess certain points of resemblance in common. Varieties of the human race exist as do varieties of dogs. The pekingese and the fox terrier are as different as the Slav and Latin are different: because of differences in internal secretion make-up.

"Bad little doggie, you've ruined this sock, and some poor soldier will have to go with bare feet because you've been naughty! Are you a judge of Pekingese, Mr. Colwyn? Don't you think Jellicoe a dear?" "Do you mean Sir John Jellicoe, Mrs. Brewer?" "Of course not! I mean my Pekingese.

He said, "Looksee b'long all same Chinaman, no savez talkee." The Pekingese are very discriminative and frequently condescendingly refer to all other Chinese as "outside men" or "foreigners."