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A cancer may appear as a papillary growth on a mucous or a skin surface, as a nodule in the substance of an organ, or as a diffuse thickening of a tubular organ such as the stomach or intestine.

From the lips it may spread to the gum and palate, giving to the mucous membrane the appearance of a raised, bright-red, papillary or villous surface. When the disease affects the gums, the teeth may become loose and fall out. [Illustration: FIG.

On removing the packing on the fifth or sixth day, the surface is found to be covered with minute, red, papillary granulations, which are beginning to fill up the cavity. At the edges the epithelium has proliferated and is covering over the newly formed granulation tissue. As lymph and leucocytes escape from the exposed surface there is a certain amount of serous or sero-purulent discharge.

Acanthosis Nigricans may be defined as a general pigmentation with papillary mole-like growths. In the "International Atlas of Rare Skin Diseases" there are two cases pictured, one by Politzer in a woman of sixty-two, and the other by Janovsky in a man of forty-two. The regions affected were mostly of a dirty-brown color, but in patches of a bluish-gray.

Fatty degeneration may occur in the papillary growths with necrotic changes, and this may lead to the formation of atheromatous ulcers which may later become covered with lime deposits, and then a hard calcareous ring may form.

Aldermen of London, you feed much epicures of the West-end, you feed delicately; but neither of you know what real luxuries are. Go to sea for six months upon midshipman allowance, eked out by midshipmen's improvidence: and, on your return, the greasy bumboat, first beating against the ship's sides, will afford you a practical lesson upon the art of papillary enjoyment.

The papillary masses developed on the skin of the back, buttock, and occiput. In the right pectoral and posterior aspect of the right axillary region, and over the buttocks, the affected skin hung in heavy pendulous flaps. His left arm was free from disease. His head grew so heavy that at length he had great difficulty in holding it up.

She often pours a spoonful of scalding soup into his worship's mouth, before the relative heat between the liquid and the papillary nerves has been properly determined; at which, in the aforesaid true feminine spirit, she is apt, while he makes wry faces, to burst into a violent fit of laughter. 'Not but that Mrs.

The inner surface is applied directly to the papillary layer of the true skin, and follows closely its inequalities. The outer skin is made up of several layers of cells, which next to the true skin are soft and active, but gradually become harder towards the surface, where they are flattened and scale-like.

The corium or true skin consists of connective tissue, in which ramify the blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. That part of the corium immediately adjoining the epidermis is known as the papillary portion, and contains the terminal loops of the cutaneous blood vessels and the terminations of the cutaneous nerves.