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Then I thought that before I went home I would go and see if the Doctor had come back yet. I had been to his house once already that morning. But I thought I'd just like to go and take another look. My squirrel wasn't getting any better and I was beginning to be worried about him. So I turned into the Oxenthorpe Road and started off towards the Doctor's house.

All the way down the Oxenthorpe Road Matthew hardly stopped talking about his great friend, Doctor John Dolittle "M. D." He talked so much that he forgot all about calling out "Meat!" until we both suddenly noticed that we had a whole procession of dogs following us patiently. "Where did the Doctor go to on this voyage?" I asked as Matthew handed round the meat to them.

"Spidermonkey Island," he read out slowly. Then he whistled softly beneath his breath. "Of all the extraordinary things! You've hit upon the very island where Long Arrow was last seen on earth I wonder Well, well! How very singular!" "We'll go there, Doctor, won't we?" I asked. "Of course we will. The rules of the game say we've got to." "I'm so glad it wasn't Oxenthorpe or Bristol," I said.

"Let's go up that alleyway to the left. Quick! Run!" We took to our heels, darted through a couple of side streets and just managed to get away from the crowd. It was not till we had gained the Oxenthorpe Road that we dared to slow down to a walk and take our breath.

Well, as I was saying, the old duck and I were sitting on the flat top of the garden-wall that evening, looking down into the Oxenthorpe Road below. We were watching some sheep being driven to market in Puddleby; and Dab-Dab had just been telling me about the Doctor's adventures in Africa. For she had gone on a voyage with him to that country long ago.

And one day when an old lady with rheumatism came to see the Doctor, she sat on the hedgehog who was sleeping on the sofa and never came to see him any more, but drove every Saturday all the way to Oxenthorpe, another town ten miles off, to see a different doctor. Then his sister, Sarah Dolittle, came to him and said,

He's a quiet man and don't talk much; but there's folks who do say he's the greatest nacheralist in the world." "Where does he live?" I asked. "Over on the Oxenthorpe Road, t'other side the town. Don't know just which house it is, but 'most anyone 'cross there could tell you, I reckon. Go and see him. He's a great man."

So I thanked the mussel-man, took up my squirrel again and started oft towards the Oxenthorpe Road. The first thing I heard as I came into the marketplace was some one calling "Meat! "There's Matthew Mugg," I said to myself. "He'll know where this Doctor lives. Matthew knows everyone." So I hurried across the market-place and caught him up. "Matthew," I said, "do you know Doctor Dolittle?"