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I know the lady by sight a little English beau" "Scandal! Who is the man? By God, I'll have his blood within this very hour!" Nobili is now wrought up beyond all endurance. "You can't," says Orazio Franchi, tapping his heel upon the marble pavement. "He's gone." "Gone! I'll follow him to hell!" roars Nobili "Who is he?"

"He's gone," continued Orazio, falling back exhausted on his chair, "but his papers " Here Franchi thought it right to pause and faintly wink. "I'll tell you the rest when I have smoked a cigar. Give me a light." "No, no, you must smoke afterward," said Orsetti, rapping him smartly on the back. "Go on what about Marescotti's papers?"

Vasari mentions the portraits of Nicolo, Paolo, and Vitellozzo Vitelli, Gian Paolo, and Orazio Baglioni, among others, in the frescoes at Orvieto. Painted for Lorenzo de' Medici. It is now in the Berlin Museum through the neglect of the National Gallery authorities to purchase it for England.

Now, when it had been ordained by the Senate that Jacopo Tintoretto and Paolo Veronese, at that time young men of great promise, should each execute a scene in the Hall of the Great Council, and Orazio, the son of Tiziano, another, Tintoretto painted in his scene Frederick Barbarossa being crowned by the Pope, depicting there a most beautiful building, and about the Pontiff a great number of Cardinals and Venetian gentlemen, all portrayed from life, and at the foot the Pope's chapel of music.

What has the poor beast ever done to you?" She turned to Carmela. "I know him. His wife does washing for Signora Aurelia," she explained. A slow grin overspread the man's heavy face as he rubbed his head. "Mad English," he said, and then looked closely at the coin the Lucchese had tendered him. "Your legal fare," Orazio began pompously. "Santo Diavolo " "I am a lawyer." "Si capisce!

It was only four years before that the great painter and his eldest son, Orazio, had died almost at the same time, and young Pippo in those four years had already dissipated the best part of the immense fortune which the double heritage had given him.

He went out in the middle of the third act, and he did not come back again. After a while Gemma moved restlessly. "Orazio, per carit

"'Refused her, of course, with thanks. So says the sonnet." Orazio went on to say all this in a calm, tranquil way, casting the bread of scandal on social waters as he puffed at his cigar. "It is very prettily rhymed the sonnet I have read it. The young Madonna is warmly painted. Now, why did Marescotti refuse to marry her? That is what I want to know."

The master spirit of the madrigal drama was Orazio Vecchi, born about 1551 at Modena. He became a priest and was canon of Corregio in 1586 and in 1591 deacon. He became chapel master at the cathedral of Modena in 1596 and after numerous vicissitudes died in 1605. His most important work was "L'Amfiparnaso, commedia harmonica," performed at Modena in 1594.

Aye, Prince, you have a brother Orazio. The Duke he'll scourge you. Marcello. Nay, the second, sir, Who, like an envious river, flows between Your footsteps and Ferrara's throne.... Orazio.