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Tartufe incarnates him once for all. Tartufe is by conviction an atheist and a sensualist; he despises all who regard life from the contrasted point of view. But among Englishmen such an attitude of mind has always been extremely rare; to presume it in our typical money-maker who has edifying sentiments on his lips is to fall into a grotesque error of judgment.

His father, as a money-maker, might have practical wishes on the matter of descendants which lent plausibility to the conjecture of Avice and her mother; but to Jocelyn he had never expressed himself in favour of the ancient ways, old-fashioned as he was.

The two men, Hezekiah urged by his own ambition, Solomon by his wife's, had arrived in London within a year of one another: Hezekiah to open a grocer's shop in Kensington, which those who should have known assured him was a hopeless neighbourhood. But Hezekiah had the instinct of the money-maker.

Benson during the Shakespeare Memorial performances in April. I was pretty miserable at the time the Lyceum reign was dying, and taking an unconscionably long time about it, which made the position all the more difficult. Henry Irving was reviving "Faust" a wise step, as it had been his biggest "money-maker" and it was impossible that I could play Margaret.

Of course, it was too small for pigeons, but there were going to be little ones very soon, weren't there? He also brought to them one day five sunflower seeds, recommended and sold by a mild-eyed little Murphy girl, who had the stubby fingers of a money-maker.

He had an ambition, carefully restrained in a closet of his mind, where it could not issue forth and interfere with his business. This ambition was to be a giver of grand opera on a superb scale. He regarded himself as a mere money-maker was not ashamed of this, but neither was he proud of it.

To the miller's mind his great-niece had proved herself to be of the true Potter blood, although her name was Fielding. Ruth was a money-maker. He had to wink pretty hard over the fact that she was likewise a money spender! "Keep a-making of it, Niece Ruth," Uncle Jabez advised earnestly. "You never can tell when you are going to want more or when your ability to make money is going to stop.

There is no need to quote here to the contrary the long and sustained toil of the pioneer, the eager labor of the student, unmindful of the silent hours, or the fierce acquisitive activity of the money-maker that knows no pause. Activities such as these differ with a whole sky from the wage-work of the modern industrial worker. The task in one case is done for its own sake. It is life itself.

"Richling, my friend," the Doctor had never used that term before, "what does your Italian money-maker say to the idea?" Richling gave an Italian shrug and his own pained laugh. "Exactly! Why, Mr. Richling, you're on an island now, an island in mid-ocean. Both of you!" He waved his hands toward the two without lifting his head from the back of the easy-chair, where he had dropped it.

Reviewing all that had occurred, Mildred decided that she must revise her opinion of Jennings. A money-maker he no doubt was. And why not? Did he not have to live? But a teacher also, and a great teacher. Had he not destroyed her vanity at one blow, demolished it? yet without discouraging her.