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Updated: August 5, 2024

As I knew how valuable this article was at this juncture, I inquired of the mansa whether he maintained these poor women from pure bounty, or expected a return when the harvest should be gathered in. I have bought another boy in the same manner." Good God! thought I, what must a mother suffer before she sells her own child!

In the evening sent our guide to the chief man, who is termed Mansa Kussan, and is reckoned one of the most avaricious chiefs in the whole of the road. Sent him some amber and scarlet as a present, and told him that I intended to remain one day at Julifunda in order to purchase rice. June 2d.

I accordingly presented him to my landlord, and desired him to send my saddle and bridle a present to the Mansa of Sibidooloo, being the only return I could make him for having taken so much trouble in procuring my horse and clothes. From a plant called kabba, that climbs like a vine upon the trees. I now thought it necessary, sick as I was, to take leave of my hospitable landlord.

As I knew how valuable this article was at this juncture, I enquired of the Mansa, whether he maintained these poor women from pure bounty, or expected a return when the harvest should be gathered in. I have bought another boy in the same manner." Good God, thought I, what must a mother suffer, before she sells her own child!

The pagan natives are by far the most numerous, and the government of the country is in their hands; for though the most respectable among the bushreens are frequently consulted in affairs of importance, yet they are never permitted to take any share in the executive government, which rests solely in the hands of the mansa, or sovereign, and great officers of the state.

The manner in which it is collected is nearly as follows: About the beginning of December, when the harvest is over, and the streams and torrents have greatly subsided, the Mansa, or chief man of the town, appoints a day to begin sanoo koo, "gold washing;" and the women are sure to have themselves in readiness by the time appointed.

I little expected, in my forlorn condition, to meet with a man who could thus feel for my sufferings. I heartily thanked the mansa for his kindness, and accepted his invitation to remain with him until the return of the messenger.

I accordingly presented him to my landlord, and desired him to send my saddle and bridle as a present to the mansa of Sibidooloo, being the only return I could make him for having taken so much trouble in procuring my horse and clothes. I now thought it necessary, sick as I was, to take leave of my hospitable landlord.

The assurance given to all creatures of never injuring them on any occasion is the Dakshina or Sacrificial present of the great sacrifice that is constituted by universal compassion or abstention from injury. Mansa is flesh. The words following Me he should be supplied in order to get at the meaning.

This is a walled town fortified in the strongest manner I have yet seen in Africa; a section of the walls and ditch would have nearly the following appearance, Pitched our tents under a tree near the Ba lee, which runs here with great velocity, and breaks into small cataracts. July 12th. Went in the morning with Isaaco and waited on Keminoom, or Mansa Numma, as he is commonly called.

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