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After a short pause, the mate, taking another glimpse aloft, said, "Slack off the main-sheet." "Ay, ay, Sir," several men replied, and hurried, with a kind of trot, to comply with the command. "How are the head-sheets?" again said the mate. "All taut, Sir," answered a voice. "Ease them off," was the mate's command. "Ay, ay, Sir," the same voice answered.

Charley grinned at the disappointment he saw in my face, and then shouted: "Stand by the main-sheet to jibe!" He put the wheel hard over, and the yacht whirled around obediently. The main-sheet slacked and dipped, then shot over our heads after the boom and tautened with a crash on the traveller.

They come and lay the cloth presently, wide as the main-sheet of some tall ammiral.

Lumber lay in the narrow lanes between cabin-house and rails; even the lifeboats were piled with cargo. Those who reckon dangers do not laugh much in these seas. There was barely room to move about on the deck of the Morning Star; merely a few steps were possible abaft the wheel amid the play of main-sheet boom and traveler.

But no; again the sail filled and on she came. The young boy was seen seated in the stern of his boat grasping the tiller with one hand and the main-sheet with the other. Over she heeled to the blast again she rose, and again sunk down, and now she was among the hissing, roaring, foaming breakers.

We were Eight Days without seeing a Sail, but the Ninth, about Break of day the Man at the Top-mast Head, descried one on our Leeward Bow. The Pyrates immediately prepared for an Engagement; we clapp'd our Helm a-weather, eas'd out our Main-sheet, and gave Chase.

The wind, you perceive, serves equally well for both." Miss Belcher considered for a moment. "The Keys lie to the west of Gable Point, here. By taking that side we can have a look at them on our way." "Right, ma'am. Harry!" he turned to me "bring her nose round to sou'-west and by south, and stand by for the gybe." He hauled in the main-sheet and eased it over.

"Brace round your head yards!" he now sung out; and the foretack was boarded while the main-sheet was hauled aft, we on the poop swinging the cross-jack yard at the same time, the captain then calling out to the helmsman sharply, "Luff, you beggar, luff, can't ye!"

By fully half a point it outpointed the Reindeer, and I began to feel respect for the clumsy craft. Realizing the hopelessness of the pursuit, I filled away, threw out the main-sheet, and drove down before the wind upon the junks to leeward, where I had them at a disadvantage.

"Hard a-lee!" 'Frisco Kid cried, throwing the tiller down, and following it with his body. "Cast off! That 's right. Now lend a hand on the main-sheet!" Together, hand over hand, they came in on the reefed mainsail. Joe began to warm up with the work. The Dazzler turned on her heel like a race-horse, and swept into the wind, her canvas snarling and her sheets slatting like hail.