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Diaetetica, p. 64. SPEEDWELL. Veronica spicata. This is used by our common people as a substitute for tea, and is said to possess a somewhat astringent taste, like green tea. SPOTTED HAWKWEED. Hypochaeris maculata. The leaves are eaten as salad, and are also boiled. STINGING-NETTLE. Urtica dioica.

I frequently watched them at dusk, beating about the trees and bushes in a systematic manner, often a dozen or more of them wheeling together about one tree, like so many moths about a candle, and one occasionally dashing through the branches until a pigeon usually the Zenaida maculata or other bird was scared from its perch.

The only fact which I know analogous to it, is the habit of that extraordinary Australian bird, the Calodera maculata, which makes an elegant vaulted passage of twigs for playing in, and which collects near the spot, land and sea-shells, bones and the feathers of birds, especially brightly coloured ones. Mr.

Conus larenatus, Hwass. 5. Conus hebraus, Linne. 6. Conus ceylanensis, Hwass. 7. Terebra maculata, Linne. 8. Terebra dimidiata, Linne. 9. Terebra consobrina, Deshayes. 10. Pleurotoma cingulifera, Lamarck. 11a. Murex tribulus, Linn. 12. Cassidulus paradisiacus, Reeve. 14. Nassa coronata, Lamarck. 15. Nassa pulla, Linne. 16. Purpura hippocastanum, Lamarck. 19. Sistrum arachnoides, Lamarck. 20.

Here is a spike of Gongora maculata, bearing no faint resemblance to a quantity of brown insects with expanded wings collected round the stem. Close to it are some Brassias, mimicking with equal fidelity insects of a paler colour, besides hundreds of others equally curious and beautiful.

The only fact which I know analogous to it, is the habit of that extraordinary Australian bird, the Calodera maculata, which makes an elegant vaulted passage of twigs for playing in, and which collects near the spot land and sea-shells, bones, and the feathers of birds, especially brightly coloured ones. Mr.

Chinese, use of flint tools by the; difficulty of distinguishing the races of the; colour of the beard in; general beardlessness of the; opinions of the, on the appearance of Europeans and Cingalese; compression of the feet of. Chinsurdi, his opinion of beards. Chlamydera maculata. Chloeon, pedunculated eyes of the male of. Chloephaga, coloration of the sexes in. Chlorocoelus Tanana.

The neatest and most artistic method by which the blacks kill fish necessitates the employment of a particular species of spider known to the learned as NEPHILA MACULATA PISCATORUM. This spider was discovered on Dunk Island by Macgillivray, the naturalist of the expedition of H.M.S. RATTLESNAKE in 1848.

The tendrils retain their sensibility to an unusually late age; for one borne by a leaf with five or six fully developed leaves above, was still active. If a tendril catches nothing, after a considerable interval of time the tips of the branches curl a little inwards; but if it clasps some object, the whole contracts spirally. SMILACEAE. Smilax aspera, var. maculata. Aug.

The teeth of the male become sharp only when he is adult: whilst young they are broad and flat like those of the female. The teeth are likewise pointed in both sexes of R. maculata, but only when quite adult; the males acquiring them at an earlier age than the females.