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Updated: August 12, 2024

The right of the State to regulate production supposes the duty of the State to interest itself in labor, and State control of the labor of society leads directly to State organization of the labor of society." Further even than this goes Karl Kautsky, who has been called the "acutest observer and thinker of modern socialism."

"Your premises won't come out in the wash. You wind-jammers who apply bandy-legged theories to concrete categorical syllogisms send logical conclusions skallybootin' into the infinitesimal ragbag. You can't pull my leg with an old sophism with whiskers on it. You quote Marx and Hyndman and Kautsky what are they? shines! Tolstoi? his garret is full of rats.

Karl Kautsky, the Austrian representative of labor, takes the attitude that, "The less Labor as a whole has to do with Church questions and the less it is interested in the churches, the more successful will be its strife for emancipation." Otto Bauer, another representative of Austrian labor, makes the assertion: "Capitalism forces the worker into the class struggle.

It is bound to condemn us, and the Bourgeois Governments will know how to profit by the criticism, however mild, that is signed by men who still retain authority as socialists. He will not allow for reasons which are not in our control. Kautsky is less dangerous, because, after all, he will look below the obvious."

He does not expect a precipitate and comparatively brief struggle like the French Revolution, but rather "long-drawn-out civil wars, if one does not necessarily give to these words the idea of actual slaughter and battles." "We are revolutionists," Kautsky concludes, "and this is not in the sense that a steam engine is a revolutionist.

"Every extension of the suffrage to the working class must be fought for to-day," says Kautsky, "and it is only thanks to the fear of the working class that it is not abolished where it exists." The passage follows: "In England the suffrage is still limited to-day, and capitalistic Radicalism, in spite of its fine phrases, has no idea of enlarging it.

Kautsky illustrates this principle of controlling elected persons by referring to the methods of labor unions, and proceeds:

Of these men one resembled a testy and prosperous grocer, one a Yankee carpenter, one a soda-clerk, and one a Russian Jewish actor The Russian Jew quoted Kautsky, Gene Debs, and Abraham Lincoln. At that moment a G. A. R. veteran was dying. He had come from the Civil War straight to a farm which, though it was officially within the city-limits of Zenith, was primitive as the backwoods.

It is only the refusal to conform that assures their continued existence. There is no possibility that the Socialist parties of Continental Europe would for a moment allow the State to prescribe their form of organization. Kautsky thus describes the German and the French methods of control:

JAPAN, expenses of her navy, Jews, Polish, Judenic, General, Jugo-Slavia, acquires Bulgarian territory, army of, financial position of, Magyars in, Julius Caesar as politician, KANT, Emanuel Kautsky, published documents of Keynes, John Maynard, and inter-Allied debts and the Paris Conference author's admiration for represents English Treasury at Paris Conference the indemnity question and true forecasts of Klagenfurth, a plebiscite for Klotz, and the indemnity Koltchak, Admiral Konigsberg, the home of Emanuel Kant Kowno claimed by Poles

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