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Judge Reed here interrupted, saying: "I indorse every word of Miss Whitcomb's description of these prisons. I endured their horrors and inhumanity for nine months, and she does not tell the half that might be told. Being asked to do so, Dr. Adams read as follows: "The Camp we found full of what were once human beings, but who would scarcely now be recognized as such.

That the Christian Spectator should indorse the Doctor's sentiments on this point is still more worthy of remark than that he should utter them. Indeed, I judge from what you say on the 68th and 69th pages of your book, that you are yourself opposed to calling in question the morality of that which civil government approves.

In indorsing, especially, a man should be restrained by law, under pains and penalties, from indorsing to amounts exceeding one-half of his property; and no indorsement in excess of that amount should be allowed to constitute a legal claim. But is it really right to indorse for any one, under any circumstances?

"Well, I suppose you cannot help thinking about Margaret; but don't think of her now. Tell me what answer you propose to give the Association, how you mean to put it; for I leave the matter wholly to you. I shall have no hand in it, further than to indorse your action."

It was not unnatural, then, that Charles Sumner should indorse the abolitionist campaign against the Union, or that Benjamin F. Wade should eulogize the Wisconsin threats to secede. Richard H. Dana, of Boston, said that men who had called him a traitor a few years before now stopped him on the street to talk treason.

So strong a political factor did the men of Oregon recognize us to be that every political party in the state asked to be represented on our platform; and one entire evening of the convention was given over to the representatives chosen by the various parties to indorse the suffrage movement. Thus we began in Oregon the good work we continued in 1906, and of which we reaped the harvest in 1912.

I do not think you had a fair hearing, and hence so far as I myself am concerned I indorse your position, and shall do so till some one comes along and gives a better demonstration. Allow me also to proceed with more evidence. Observation at West Falmouth, Mass., Sept 1, 1877.

Horace Greeley has given a great deal of thought to this Indian question, and although he would disapprove of supplying them with arms and ammunition, yet in all other matters would indorse your policy." "You don't mean to say that Greeley would disapprove of letting poor Peter have a gun to shoot game to help support his family do you?" asked Ben, in astonishment. "Certainly I do.

If it were made payable to Smith or order, he must indorse it by writing his name on the back of it, before it would pass as a negotiable note. The indorsement is considered as the order of Smith to the maker to pay it to any other person.

This started the ball, and in a few minutes $5,000 were raised and handed over to Thomlinson, who thanked the friends for their liberality. "The debate here closed and the vote was taken on the propositions. The Chairman said he would put the third, or last, proposition first, which was, whether the assembly would indorse the proposition of Capt. Alston and Mr.