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They were in an eddy, which was sweeping them close to the rebel bank. "Who air yo' haltin'?" said a second voice. "I see some men in a canoe out thar. I heared their voices fust," said the first voice. "Whar' yo see any men in a canoe?" asked the second incredulously. "Right over thar. You kin see 'em. They're comin' right this-a-way. I'm a gwine t' halt 'em agin an' then shoot."

First thing, I knew he was smilin' folksy straight at me, and liftin' one hand hesitatin', as if he wanted to give me the hail. "Well, old scout?" says I, haltin' on the first step. "Excuse me, Neighbor," says he, drawlin' it out deep and soft, "but be yo' goin' in thayah?" "I don't say it boastin'," says I, "but that was the intention."

It was no use trottin' 'cos we might just be hurryin' up to be in time to arrive on the right spot to meet one. An' it was no use haltin' for exactly the same reason.

It brought the warm blood back to Wade's cold heart. It was his great reward. How intensely and implacably did his soul mount to that crisis! "Collie, I'll never fail you," he said, and his gentle voice was deep and full. "If Jack can be scared into haltin' in his mad ride to hell then I'll do it. I'm not promisin' so much for him.

He was after me with his dorgs, and saw me as I was crossin' the road near Franklin Schoolhouse. 'Halt, there! he hollored; but I was not in the haltin' bizness, and I made tracks fur Pigeon Crick close by. As I run he fired off his gun; but the light was dim and I was mighty peart, and dodged in time.