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"They all laughed agin, and Bill Chambers laughed so 'arty that 'e joggled Peter Gubbins's arm and upset 'is beer. "'Laugh away, ses Bob, pretending to get savage. 'Them that laughs best laughs last, mind. I'll 'ave that watch now, just to spite you all. "'Ow are you going to get it, Bob? ses Sam Jones, jeering. "'Never you mind, mate, ses Bob, stamping 'is foot; 'I'm going to win it fair.

I cared nothing about Canning and Son's profits, or the prices of Mr. Gubbins's butter; nothing whatever. But I derived considerable satisfaction from turning out a letter the fluent suavity of which I thought would impress Mr. Gubbins. Primarily, my satisfaction came from the impression the letters made upon me personally.

"But I must and will find somebody here!" cried Mrs. Gubbins, inflicting another outrage on the bell. "I want a half-pound of pork, to fry some first-rate flounders for Mr. Gubbins's breakfast; and, lady or not, Old Maid Pyncheon shall get up and serve me with it!" "But do hear reason, Mrs. Gubbins!" responded the lady opposite.

"Frederick Scott told us all about it that evening, and some of the bravest of us went up to the 'Cauliflower' to talk over wot was to be done, though we took care to get 'ome while it was quite light. That night Peter Gubbins's two pigs went.

"Then don't go talking to me about the heat. Finish that job and run off with this filter to Mrs. Gubbins's." Her life had not lacked variety. Married at eighteen, after a month's courtship, to a man of whom she knew next to nothing, she lived for a time in Liverpool, where her husband older by ten years pursued various callings in the neighbourhood of the docks.

A fellow with his wits about him, you know." He did not add "to make up for poor Gubbins's deficiency in that respect," but that was what he meant, and so the sergeant understood him. "Let me see," he said, on rejoining his company; "his servant would be the best man. Dodd! Has any one seen Dodd?" "He was killed, sergeant, just when the gun was taken." "Ah, yes, so he was. Who to send?

From the churchyard I pass out along the narrow neck to that forlorn-hope post, "Innes's Garrison," and along the western face of the intrenchment by the sides of the sheep-house and the slaughter-house, to Gubbins's post.

"Frederick Scott told us all about it that evening, and some of the bravest of us went up to the 'Cauliflower' to talk over wot was to be done, though we took care to get 'ome while it was quite light. That night Peter Gubbins's two pigs went.

I should be so happy to do the best I could for him, for I regard him, Alice, quite as though he were to be your husband. And when anybody at all connected with me has come to Cheltenham I always have asked them to dine, and then I have Gubbins's man to come and wait at table, as you know." "Of all men in the world Mr Grey is the last to think about it."

"They all laughed agin, and Bill Chambers laughed so 'arty that 'e joggled Peter Gubbins's arm and upset 'is beer. "'Laugh away, ses Bob, pretending to get savage. 'Them that laughs best laughs last, mind. I'll 'ave that watch now, just to spite you all. "'Ow are you going to get it, Bob? ses Sam Jones, jeering. "'Never you mind, mate, ses Bob, stamping 'is foot; 'I'm going to win it fair.