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Updated: August 21, 2024

The 22 of Iuly 1589 about Euening, being by the Ilands of Flores and Coruo, we perceiued 3 ships that made towards vs, which came from vnder the land, which put vs in great feare: for they came close by our Admirall, and shot diuers times at him, and at another ship of our companie, whereby we perceiued them to be Englishmen, for they bare an English flagge vpon their maine tops, but none of them shewed to be aboue 60 tunnes in greatnes.

What is this man, this Prince, this God ye make now, But what our hands have molded, wrought to fashion, And by our constant labours given a life to? And must we fall before him now, adoare him, Blow all we can to fill his sailes with greatnes? Worship the Image we set up ourselves?

Which seemed so terrible in the eares of their villaines, and stroke such a sense into them of the smart of the whip which they had felt before, that they fled altogether like sheepe before the driuers. These 2. cities exceed the rest in greatnes.

Lady, untill they come, repose your selfe. Mac. How now? so soone come back? why thus returned? Enter Pike & a Gentleman, with Letters. Gen. Our Journey to Madrid the Kinge himselfe Cutts off, by these his royall letters sent Upon the wings of speed to all your Graces. He lay one night since at your house, my Lord Where, by your noble Wife, he had a wellcome Fitting his greatnes & your will. Alq.

How many fishermen skilful to catch the Whale, & how many other officers and Coopers. How many boats, and what fashion, and how many men in each boate. What wages of such skilful men and other officers, as we shall neede out of Biskay. How many harping irons, speares, cordes, axes, hatchets, kniues, and other implements for the fishing, and what sort and greatnes of them.

Blush in thine age, bad man; thy grave blush for thee And scorne to hide that man that holds no Creadit. 'Tis not your face, Sir, The greatnes of your friends, corruptly purchast, The Crying up of your manie Services, Which lookd into wither away like Mushrumps, Shall scandall us. 2 Lord. Your Romaine end, to make men Imagine your strong conscience fortifide, No, nor your ground Religion.

But the answeare which he made his wife Michol, very well declareth, that hee pretended or purposed no other thinge but to set out by outward gestures, the greatnes of the ioy which he had conceaued in his harte, because of the presence of God.

Their principall floudes are Ganges, Indus, and Hypanis. But Ganges farre passeth in greatnes the other twaine. This lande by the benefite of the battling breathe of the gentle Weast winde, reapeth corne twise in the yere. And other Wintre hath it none, but the bittre blastes of Theasterly windes called Etesia.

Would to heaven, Sir, That syn of pride and insolence you speake of, That pufft up greatnes blowne from others follyes Were not too neere akin to your great Lordship And lay not in your bosom, your most deere one.

From the coast of the Rhodes, vnto the farthest part of Inde, and Scythia Eastwarde. And it is deuided into many sondrie partes, in sondrie wise named, whereof some are larger, some lesse. This Asie is of suche a sise, as aucthorus holde opinion, that Affrike and Europe ioyned together: are scante able to matche it in greatnes.

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