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Now she had hidden the letter in her hair: so she sat down by the princess and rubbing her head, said, 'O my lady, maybe thou wilt comb out my hair: for it is long since I went to the bath. The princess bared her arms to the elbow and letting down the old woman's hair, began to comb it, when out dropped the letter and Dunya seeing it, asked what it was.

The Prince counted five doors and entered the sixth where he found the Princess Dunya standing and awaiting him. As soon as she saw him, she knew him and clasped him to her breast, and he clasped her to his bosom. Then she said to them, "Go forth from me now, for I wish to amuse myself in privacy."

Then he folded the letter and sealed it and gave it to the old woman, saying, 'Carry it to the lady Dunya. 'I hear and obey, answered she; whereupon he gave her a thousand dinars and said to her, 'O my mother, accept this, as a token of my affection. She took the letter and the money, calling down blessings on him, and returned to the princess.

But now rise and return to thy place, ere the lady Dunya come back, lest she find thee not and he wroth with thee." So I kissed the earth before her and the old woman forewent me to the door whence I came. I entered and going up to the couch, found that my wife had come back and was lying asleep there.

Replied the old woman, "I know nothing of him save that I think he must be some great King's son, for he attaineth comeliness in excess and extreme loveliness." And the Lady Dunya fell in love with him to distraction; the spells which bound her were loosed and her reason was overcome by his beauty and grace; and his fine stature and proportions strongly excited her desires sexual.

"With all my heart," replied the Vizier "Know, O august King, that I have heard tell a story of a lover and a loved one and of the discourse between them and of the rare and pleasant things that befell them, a story such as does away care from the heart and dispels sorrow like unto that of the patriarch Jacob: and it is as follows: Story of Taj El Mulouk and the Princess Dunya.