United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

This rule was drastically applied in 1871 when a large number of freshmen and sophomores, who had found Van Amburgh's circus more attractive than their classes, were actually suspended.

But as soon as the danger was removed, as it was in 1763, this reason for restraint vanished; and although the great majority of the colonists were quite sincerely desirous of retaining their membership of the British commonwealth, the conditions would inevitably have produced a state of intensifying friction, unless the whole colonial system had been drastically reconstructed.

Since, however, the church and the law allowed him but one, he must more drastically monogamize his heart and this he found enormously difficult. It was the poet's triangle with the two dear charmers over again.

Therefore, the Congress would have to reduce drastically some of certain large items, very large items, such as aids to agriculture and soil conservation, veterans' pensions, flood control, highways, waterways and other public works, grants for social and health security, Civilian Conservation Corps activities, relief for the unemployed, or national defense itself.

While only a few came from Africa itself, except as students staying for a limited period, there was a swelling flow from the West Indies and the entire Caribbean area. At the beginning of the 1920s, the United States imposed a new quota system on new immigrants and this drastically slowed the influx of people from South and East Europe.

If things developed and Artois felt that they must with such a protagonist as the Marchesino a situation might arise in which Doro's enmity must come out into the open and be dealt with drastically. Till then was it not best to ignore it, to fall in with his apparent frivolity?

The total includes net outlays of Government corporations. The estimated expenditures in the next and current fiscal year compare as follows with those of a year of global war and a prewar year: Total Budget expenditures Although allowances for occupation, demobilization, and defense are drastically reduced in the fiscal year 1947, they will still amount to 42 percent of the total Budget.

But," he added, with a snarl, "we have enemies, and those must be dealt with dealt with drastically. I hear they are setting about more scandals in Petrograd concerning me. Have you heard them?" he asked. "Gossip is rife on every hand, and all sorts of wild stories are being circulated," I said. "Bah! Let the fools say what they will of Gregory Rasputin," he laughed.

In the meanwhile, I treated the Chapel drastically, sounding and scrutinizing the walls and floor, dealing with them almost foot by foot, and particularly examining the two tombs. "At the end of this search, I had in a ladder, and made a close survey of the groined roof.

Even in that air-cooled room their generally unwashed condition was noticeable. Hanlon knew instinctively he would make no friends among them. "I only hope I make no enemies. Why was I, so drastically different from them, chosen as a guard? What's that leader got in his devious mind, anyway?" There were four mining engineers, and these men were keen, alert fellows.