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On Christmas Eve they all happened to come to the house at the same time; each denounced the others, and after nearly coming to blows they all went away raging and cursing and had not been near the place since. As soon as she decided to sell the things, Mary went to Didlum's second-hand furniture store, and the manager said he would ask Mr Didlum to call and see the table and other articles.

When the ratepayers 'ave bought the Works, and they begins to kick up a row because they're losin' money over it we can tell 'em that it's Socialism! And then they'll say that if that's Socialism they don't want no more of it. The other brigands laughed gleefully, and some of Didlum's whisky went down the wrong way and nearly sent him into a fit.

From the manner in which they constantly referred to themselves, it might have been thought that they were a flock of sheep instead of being what they really were a pack of wolves. When they heard Brother Didlum's announcement a murmur of intense rapture rose from the ladies, and Mr Starr rolled his eyes and smiled sweetly.

He would content himself with formally seconding Councillor Didlum's excellent proposition. Councillor Weakling, whose rising was greeted with derisive laughter, said he must oppose the resolution. He moved that Mr Oyley Sweater be asked to resign and that they advertise for a man at five pounds a week. Councillor Grinder rose to a point of order.

Mr Sweater had noticed it in Didlum's window and, seeing that the design was similar in character to the painted decorations on the ceiling and walls of his drawing-room, had purchased it. 'I went to the Paris Exhibition meself, said Grinder, when everyone had admired the exquisite workmanship of the clock-case. 'I remember 'avin' a look at the moon through that big telescope.

Weakling did not apologize or withdraw, but he said no more. Didlum's proposition was carried, and the 'hand' went on to the next item on the agenda, which was a proposal by Councillor Didlum to increase the salary of Mr Oyley Sweater, the Borough Engineer, from fifteen pounds to seventeen pounds per week. Councillor Didlum said that when they had a good man they ought to appreciate him.