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Updated: July 31, 2024

"I am indeed fond of early walking," replied Emma, with a smile; "but I cannot say that it is so much pleasure as duty which brings me here. I am a day-governess, and pass this pond every morning on my way to Kensington, where the family in which I teach resides." "Indeed," said Willie, with that amount of emphasis which denotes moderate surprise and solicits information.

What is the nature of the crisis that has come in the life of this unhappy man?" "I called on Mrs. Sandford this morning," replied Mrs. Birtwell, "and learned that his daughter, who is little more than a child, had applied for the situation of day-governess to her children. From Ethel she ascertained their condition, which is deplorable enough.

A deep silence fell upon the little company. Mrs. Birtwell had turned her face, so that it could not be seen, and tears that she was unable to keep back were falling over it. She was first to speak. "What," she asked, "was this young lady doing at the house of your friend?" "She had applied for the situation of day-governess.

As the carriage moved away she said: "I heard something to-day that troubles me. I am told that Mr. Ridley, since the death of his wife, has become very intemperate, and that his family are destitute so much so, indeed, that his daughter has applied to you for the situation of day-governess in order to earn something for their support." "It is too true," replied Mrs. Sandford.

The commissioners are left to wonder how the trader can support his family in a decent manner upon so small a return, till they reflect that possibly a son brings in a little as a shopman, or a daughter as a day-governess; or that possibly an old female relative lives with the family, and throws her little income into the general stock.

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