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This was the best way to use the grain; but, after all, it was not bread. The apprehensions of the soldiers increased daily, and rose to such a pitch that a great number of them said there was no great city of calm; and that the place bring that name was, like Damanhour, a vast assemblage of mere huts, destitute of everything that could render life comfortable or agreeable.

On the 7th of July General Bonaparte left Alexandria for Damanhour. In the vast plains of Bohahire'h the mirage every moment presented to the eye wide sheets of water, while, as we advanced, we found nothing but barren ground full of deep cracks.

"It is good, for the time has now arrived for action." He paused, and looked thoughtfully out of window. "Before I disclose my plan, there is one question I must ask you," he said at last. "Perhaps it will seem a strange one, but I have reasons." "Go ahead," replied George, all anxiety to hear anything this man had to say. "Have you had occasion to use the sign I gave you at Damanhour?"

He pointed out the manner in which it was done to Helmar, who marvelled at the simplicity of it all, and wondered how it was he had never thought to try it before. For some miles the journey was quite uneventful, and Captain Forsyth began to think that the Arabs had really retired beyond Kafr Dowar, even perhaps to Damanhour. "There doesn't seem to be a sign of the enemy anywhere," said he.

The moment the doors were closed his hands and feet were securely bound. "What is this for?" asked George, as in obedience to the little wretch's orders he submitted to the indignity. "In order that you cannot play any more tricks upon us," replied Abdu in French. "I haven't forgotten what you did on the way to Damanhour we have not that fool Belbeis with us now heh!"

After arranging affairs at Alexandria, where the gallant Kléber was left in command, Bonaparte ordered an advance into the interior. Never, perhaps, did he show the value of swift offensive action more decisively than in this prompt march on Damanhour across the desert.

"They come to de dahabîeh Arabi's men and they say I must go with them, so I am here, but I not like." "Ah, I see, you were pressed into the service," said Helmar, "and you are here against your will." The man nodded, then again glancing suspiciously round, said "But you, they kill you Arabi shoot you when you get to Damanhour."

They had been informed that they should find refreshments at Damanhour, but they met with nothing there but miserable huts, and could procure neither bread nor wine; only lentils in great abundance, and a little water. They were obliged to proceed again into the desert. Bonaparte saw the brave Lannes and Murat take off their hats, dash them on the sand, and trample them under foot.

Eugene Beauharnais accompanied Croisier, who joyfully set out on this horrible expedition, in hope of obliterating all recollection of the affair of Damanhour. On the following day the party returned. Many of the poor Arab women had been delivered on the road, and the children had perished of hunger, heat, and fatigue.

On the 7th of July General Bonaparte left Alexandria for Damanhour. In the vast plains of Bohahire'h the mirage every moment presented to the eye wide sheets of water, while, as we advanced, we found nothing but barren ground full of deep cracks.