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We may well here summarize these other changes in function: The respiratory movement becomes shallow and thoracic in type. The volume of the air inspired per minute is lessened by one-half to two-thirds. The output of carbonic acid is diminished by the same amount. The bodily temperature falls. The acidity of the cortex of the brain disappears.

An environment which tends to encourage the masculine traits in her, to arouse repeatedly her pugnacity and combative decisions in the more rapid give and take of the masculine world, will rouse the adrenal cortex to greater activity, and so make her face hirsute, her attitudes aggressive, and perhaps render her sterile. Concomitantly there may be a disturbance of menstruation.

CORTICAL. Pertaining to the cortex. CRANIOMETRY. The measurement of skulls. CRYPTOGAMOUS. Having an obscure mode of fertilization; or, of plants that do not blossom. CULTUS. A system of religious belief and worship. DEUTSCHENTHUM. The spirit of the German people. DIATHESIS. A constitutional predisposition.

Evidence obtained from clinical observations has tended of late to locate the pathological lesions of chorea in the cerebral cortex. Dr. Godlee's operation of removing a tumor from the brain marks an important step in cerebral localization, and cerebral surgery bids fair to take a prominent place in the treatment of mental diseases.

In certain types of the middle-aged, a high blood pressure, accompanied by a great capacity for work, has been shown to be associated with hypertrophy of the cortex. In women, there is a degree of masculinity, as the adrenal in women makes for masculinity, neutralising more or less the specifically feminine influences of the internal secretions of the ovary.

In the cortex and in the cerebellum, the changes in the brain-cells were in every instance more marked than in the medulla. There is also strong NEGATIVE evidence that traumatic impulses are not excluded by ether anesthesia from the part of the brain that is apparently asleep.

The endocrine criteria, more exact and concrete, divide them into the adrenal centered, the thyroid centered, the thymus centered, the pituitary centered, the gonad centered, and their combinations. An adrenal personality is one dominated by the ups and downs of his adrenal gland. In the large, the curve of his life is the curve of secretion by this gland, both of its Cortex and medulla.

The reinforcing action of the thyroid is important. The adrenal medulla reinforced by the thyroid makes for terror, the adrenal cortex reinforced by the thyroid makes for fury. Some people are not easily frightened, others are more readily frightened, and still others are of an extremely fearful nature. It depends upon the proportion of adrenal cortex to medulla secretion in them.

The seven ribs of the last year's leaf will be seen to have arisen from the pith in seven distinct points making a curve; and the new bud to have been produced in their centre, and to have pierced the alburnum and cortex, and grown without the assistance of a mother.

If the articular surface is extensively diseased, a thin slice of bone should be removed, and if foci in the marrow are then revealed, it is better to gouge them out than to remove further slices of bone, as this involves sacrifice of the cortex and periosteum.