United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Fleming would have liked to avoid the question and the consequent exposure of his discovery which a direct answer implied. But he saw it was too late now. "I want to wash a little dirt," he said bluntly. The girl turned her deep sunbonnet toward him. Somewhere in its depths he saw the flash of white teeth. "Go along with ye ye're funnin'!" she said.

In 1871 he filed a caveat in the United States Patent Office, and tried to get Mr. Grant, President of the New York District Telegraph Company, to give the apparatus a trial. Ill-health and poverty, consequent on an injury due to an explosion on board the Staten Island ferry boat Westfield, retarded his experiments, and prevented him from completing his patent.

The terrible strain had made his face thin and haggard, his eyes bloodshot, and his hands trembled as he grasped the rein not from fear, but from nervous excitement consequent upon the little sleep he obtained, his want of regular food, and the feeling of certainty that he was being dogged by his untiring foes.

This proceeding both lessens the amount of peeling of the skin in a later stage of the disease; lessens the contagiousness of the scales which are detached; and, by promoting the healthy action of the skin, diminishes the risk of subsequent disorder of the kidneys and consequent dropsy.

The parallax of the stars and the consequent knowledge of their distance is obtained by observing them from opposite points of the earth's orbit around the sun. When a star is within measurable distance, these angles are acute, and the lines from the star to the earth at opposite sides of its orbit converge, therefore.

Man's possession of material wealth, and his consequent monopoly of social and political power have naturally resulted in his attending to his own interests first.

Indeed, the friends then took very little part in civil contentions; for they were not, as now, congregated in large towns, but were generally engaged in agriculture, a pursuit from which they have been gradually driven by the vexations consequent on their strange scruple about paying tithe. They were, therefore, far removed from the scene of political strife.

You must be aware, however, of the rank held by them among their respective nations, and of their consequent claim upon the attention of one to whom the Indian interests have been delegated." My distraction, pardonable perhaps under all the circumstances, was produced entirely by a recurrence to certain inconveniences which I felt might arise to me from my imprisonment.

But the concurrent judgment of Congress and the President had now, as we have seen, placed Grant in that chief command; and the consequent relief to Mr.

The affair is personal altogether. Have you heard of any decree of the French Convention by which the negroes the slaves of the colony of Saint Domingo are freely accepted as fellow-citizens, and the colony declared an integrant part of France?" "Surely I have. The General was speaking of it last night; and I brought away a copy of the proclamation consequent upon it.