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Updated: August 29, 2024

Such mutual confidence breeds strength, and it was the Commander-in-Chief's example, his tact, energy, and military genius which made his Army a potent power for Britain and a strong pillar of the Allies' cause. Let it not be imagined that General Allenby in his victorious campaign shone only as a great soldier. He was also a great administrator.

The idea appealed to me very strongly because I have been all along most keen on the "Y" Beach plan which is my own special child; and this would be to make the most of it and press it for all it was worth. But, until the main battle develops more clearly at Gaba Tepe and at Sedd-el-Bahr I must not commit the only troops I have in hand as my Commander-in-Chief's reserve.

You can tell them that they were cured at home, and that you dare recommend them as fit for the Commander-In-Chief's own table." Such was the character of my father's parting instructions. My mother held a different discourse. "Corny, my beloved child," she said; "this will be an all-important journey to you.

The junior French admiral, in the fourth ship from the van, at length went about, and spoke the flagship, to know what was the Commander-in-Chief's desire.

The Commander-in-Chief's over-scrupulous conscience would neither allow the cattle to be purchased, nor the empty houses in the town to be occupied by the sick and dying. No better stores were to be had nearer than Calcutta, a six months' trip to and fro! The meat was used for manure, and the barrels were used for firewood.

By and by we saw a pretty numerous troop of mounted officers, who were congregated on a distant part of the plain, and whom we finally ascertained to be the Commander-in-Chief's staff, with McClellan himself at their head.

There was not a part of the line he did not know, and no one will contradict me when I say that the military roads in Palestine were known by no one better than the driver of the Commander-in-Chief's car. A man of few words, General Allenby always said what he meant with soldierly directness, which made the thanks he gave a rich reward.

"Tell you what," said the Corporal, after he had communicated from his own pipe the friendly flame to his comrade's; "tell you what talk nonsense; the commander-in-chief's no Martinet if we're all right in action, he'll wink at a slip word or two. Come, no humbug hold jaw.

The smoking embers, the torn-up pathway, denoted the hard-fought struggle; and as I passed along, I could see that every garden, where the cherry and the apple-blossom were even still perfuming the air, had now its sepulchre. "Halt, there!" cried a hoarse voice in front. "You cannot pass this way, the commander-in-chief's quarters."

The exertions which Captain Saumarez used to refit his ship obtained the commander-in-chief's highest approbation.

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