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Reaction, the intermittent coolth, as the mat fan swung above his face, the steady, evenly timed squeak and movement not least, the calm of well-asserted dignity all joined to have one way, and Chota-Cunnigan-bahadur slept, to dream of fire-eyed tigers dancing on tombstones laid on the roof of hell, and of a grandfather in full general's uniform, who said: "Well done, bahadur!"

If I serve thee, and thou the Raj though the two of us were weaned on the milk of war and get our bread by war we will none the less serve peace! Aie! For what is honor if a soldier lets it rust? Of what use is service, mouthed and ready, but ungiven? It is good, Chota-Cunnigan-bahadur, that thou art come at last!" He saluted and backed out through the swinging door.

Hear his first! Hear Chota-Cunnigan-bahadur!" echoed Mahommed Gunga. "Let us hear a plan worth hearing!" And Alwa looked into a pair of steady eyes that seemed to see through him past him to the finished work beyond. "Speak, sahib." "You are pledged to uphold Howrah on his throne?" "Ha, sahib." "Then, I guarantee you shall!

"Yes, the signs! Come and look your troop over." Cunningham found that the troop, too, had heard about his coming. He did not look them over. When he reached the lines, they came out in a swarm passed him one by one, eyed him, as traders eye a horse and then saluted him a second time, with the greeting: "Salaam, Chota-Cunnigan-bahadur!" "Yes!

If the jingle and glitter of the approaching cavalcade had not been sufficient to attract their notice, they could have stopped their cars and yet have been forced to hear the greeting. "Aha! Salaam sahib! Chota-Cunnigan-bahadur, bohut salaam! Thy father's son! Sahib, I am much honored!" The white scar blazed, but Mahommed Gunga affected not to notice the discomfort of his victim.

To Chota-Cunnigan-bahadur son of Pukka-Cunnigan whom we all knew general salute present sabres!" There was sudden movement the ring of whipped-out metal a bird's wing-beat as fifteen hundred hilts rose all together to as many lips and a sharp intake of breath all down the line. It wasn't bad. Not bad at all, thought Cunningham. It was not done as regulars would have worked it.

As his father was, and as a few other sahibs I have met, he understands what is not spoken concedes dignity to him who is caught napping, as one who having disarmed his adversary, allows him to recover his weapon and " "And?" "Proves himself a man worth following! I myself will slit the throat of any man I catch disparaging the name of Chota-Cunnigan-bahadur!