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She's up river now, and I'm going to see her. She's in a class all by herself, though just now, poor girl, she's in trouble." "She is?" Eben was becoming interested. "Yes, she ran away from home, you see, and her folks don't know where she is. Why, what's wrong, boy? You look scared." "D'ye mean Miss Randall?" Eben asked. "Are them choc'lates fer her?"

About the second week I sees him and the new girl gettin' chummier and chummier, and, while she still has a jolly for me now and then, I knows I'm only a side issue. That's what hurt most. So what fool play must I make but go and plunge on a sixty-cent box of mixed choc'lates for her! As luck would have it, Mr. Robert spots me comin' out of the 23d-st. candy shop with the package under my arm.

"Don't work too hard, though I would like to git back to me boat before the river freezes. I don't want to lay out thar all winter. What's next on the program?" "A box of choc'lates, hard-centres. I don't keep 'em, Captain. I've only mixed-candy an' conversation lozenges. Maybe they 'd like some of them." "All right, put 'em in; it's all the same to me. I never eat sich things. Is that all?"

"I s'pose she'll make her husband buy her chocolates instead." "Most likely. Flo's mighty fond of choc'lates. She'd eat 'em all the time if she could git 'em. She's allus beggin' me to bring her a box every time we come from the city." "She's just like all girls; they like sweet things. That's the reason, I guess, they like me. I'm always sweet with the girls. It pays. Hand me that grip, will yon?

"Empty as Mother Hubbard's cupboard!" "The place was ransacked by the same folk that emptied the dead man's pockets so as tee leave nae clue," pronounced the sibyl-like voice. "Mr. Gray said he had choc'lates wi' him. Where did he leave them?" "Mary, you're a wonder!" exclaimed the admiring Kerry.