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Updated: August 20, 2024

You and I have fallen among a pack of damned thieves, to draw it mild. It strikes me we'd better understand each other." "Right!" cried Barlow eagerly. "Let's talk straight from the shoulder." But events, or rather Zoraida Castelmar who sought to usurp destiny's prerogatives here, ruled otherwise.

"Who the blazes is Zoraida Castelmar?" he countered. "The cat or the canary?" Kendric grunted and went out, plumping himself down in his chair. He supposed that he had imagined the whole thing. He had not seen anything definitely; he had merely felt that eyes were watching him; what had seemed a figure across deck might have been the oil coat hanging on a peg or a curtain blowing out of a window.

This very night Zoraida Castelmar had ruthlessly pillaged Bruce's ranch and from Bruce's mouth now gushed the words: "She has honored me with her confidence and her friendship!" Was there no end to the woman's audacity?

On the instant he half expected to see Zoraida Castelmar standing at his elbow. What he saw, or thought that he saw, was a vague figure standing against the rail across the deck from him, beyond the corner of the cabin wall. A luminous pair of eyes, glowing through the dark. Kendric was across the deck in a flash. No one was there.

Only when the approaching rider came close and threw up a gauntleted hand to the wide black hat, saluting laughingly, did they recognize this for the same youth who had come with Ruiz Rios to Ortega's gambling house. "Zoraida Castelmar!" gasped Kendric. Turning in his amazement to his companion he caught a strange look in Barlow's eyes, a strange flush in Barlow's cheeks.

It's the handiwork of your neighbor." "Rios?" cried Bruce eagerly. "Zoraida Castelmar." "Damn her!" cried the boy. In the firelight Kendric saw his steady eyes glisten and knew that they were filled with tears, the terrible tears of rage rising above anguish. "Damn her!" After that he stood silent again looking at the burning buildings.

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