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'Thou shalt tell no more, she said; 'and as for the health thou hast drunk, it is good, and shall profit thee. Now sit we here in these ancient seats and let us talk. So they sat them down while the sun was westering in the March afternoon, and she said: 'Tell me first what tidings have been in the Dale. So he told her of the ransackings and of the murder at Carlstead.

Or else beware! for there are evil things abroad in the Wood, and moreover the brethren of those two felons who were slain at Carlstead. Then Gold-mane constrained himself to answer the old carle softly; and he thanked him kindly for his offer, and said that so it should be before long. So the talk between them fell, and Stone-face went away somewhat well-pleased.

He looked as if he would have had Face-of-god ask of him what made him so fain, but Face-of-god said only: 'I am glad of thy gladness; but now let us dally no longer, for I have many folk to see to-day and much to set a-going. So therewith they spake together a while, and then went their ways together toward Carlstead and the Woodlanders.

We went up the half-cleared places past Carlstead for a mile, and then turned east into the wood, and went I know not how far, for the Woodlanders led us by crooked paths, but two hours wore away in our going, till we came to the place where they looked to find the bears. It is a place that may well be noted, for it is unlike the wood round about.

'Thus armed we went up Wildlake's Way and came to Carlstead, where half-a-score Woodlanders joined themselves to us, so that we became a band.

They were called nought save the Woodland-Carles in that day, though time had been when they had borne a nobler name: and their abode was called Carlstead. Shortly, for all they had and all they had not, for all they were and all they were not, they were well-beloved by their friends and feared by their foes.

Now when Wildlake's Way was gotten to Carlstead, there was an end of it toward the north; though beyond it in a right line the wood was thinner, because of the hewing of the Carles.

'Fair woman and sweet friend, he said, 'thou knowest of a gladness which is hard to bear if one must lay it aside for a while; and of a longing which is hard to refrain if it mingle with another longing knowest thou not? 'Yea, she said, 'I know it. 'Yet, said Face-of-god, 'I will forbear as thou biddest me. Tell me, then, what were the felons who were slain at Carlstead?

But from the ranks of the Woodlanders ran forth a young man, and cried out: 'As is the word of Red-wolf, so is my word, Bears-bane of Carlstead; and this is the word which our little Folk hath put into our mouths; and O! that our hands may show the meaning of our mouths; for nought else can.

The Woodlanders, moreover, man and woman, elder and swain and young damsel, streamed out of the wood from Carlstead, eager to make the day begin before the sunrise, and end before his setting.