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"No, dear lady, we shall then stand on one of the higher steps. After hours of long, deep thought, Socrates perceived do you know what?" "That he knew nothing at all. I shall arrive at this perception more speedily." "And the Christian learns it at school," said Barbara, to join in the conversation. "All knowledge is botchwork." "And we are all sinners," added Janus.

"Excellent, my son!" exclaimed Thyone, laughing, and Daphne remarked that the poet Cleon had surprised her father with such a poem a few weeks before. It was a marvellous bit of botchwork, and yet there was a certain meaning in the production, compiled solely from Homeric verses.

"Excellent, my son!" exclaimed Thyone, laughing, and Daphne remarked that the poet Cleon had surprised her father with such a poem a few weeks before. It was a marvellous bit of botchwork, and yet there was a certain meaning in the production, compiled solely from Homeric verses.

"Then," interrupted Hermon, "the worshipper should thank the sculptor; for is it not more profitable to him to be encouraged by the statue to emulate the human virtues whose successful embodiment it shows him than to strive for the aid of the botchwork of human hands, which possesses as much or as little power as the wood, gold, and ivory that compose it?

Men of brains never had a better chance than now to accomplish all that it is desirable that they should accomplish; and men of no brains never did have much of a chance, nor under any possible conditions can have in this country, nor in any other. They are nature's failures, God's botchwork.

Coello drew aside the cloth that covered it, and the sarcastic chuckle Ulrich had so often heard instantly echoed from the king's lips; then turning to Coello he angrily exclaimed, loud enough to be heard by the young artist: "Scandalous! Insulting, offensive botchwork! A Bacchante in the garb of a Madonna! And the child! Look at those legs! When he grows up, he may become a dancing-master.

Coello drew aside the cloth that covered it, and the sarcastic chuckle Ulrich had so often heard instantly echoed from the king's lips; then turning to Coello he angrily exclaimed, loud enough to be heard by the young artist: "Scandalous! Insulting, offensive botchwork! A Bacchante in the garb of a Madonna! And the child! Look at those legs! When he grows up, he may become a dancing-master.

"No, dear lady, we shall then stand on one of the higher steps. After hours of long, deep thought, Socrates perceived do you know what?" "That he knew nothing at all. I shall arrive at this perception more speedily." "And the Christian learns it at school," said Barbara, to join in the conversation. "All knowledge is botchwork." "And we are all sinners," added Janus.

"No, dear lady, we shall then stand on one of the higher steps. After hours of long, deep thought, Socrates perceived do you know what?" "That he knew nothing at all. I shall arrive at this perception more speedily." "And the Christian learns it at school," said Barbara, to join in the conversation. "All knowledge is botchwork." "And we are all sinners," added Janus.

"Then," interrupted Hermon, "the worshipper should thank the sculptor; for is it not more profitable to him to be encouraged by the statue to emulate the human virtues whose successful embodiment it shows him than to strive for the aid of the botchwork of human hands, which possesses as much or as little power as the wood, gold, and ivory that compose it?