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As "The Cost" dealt with finance on a big scale, so David Graham Phillips' latest book, "The Plum Tree," Bobbs-Merrill Company, deals with politics on a big scale. In these two stories, Mr.

Miss Geraldine Bonner has very wisely selected a theme for her story, "The Pioneer," Bobbs-Merrill Company, with which she is thoroughly at home. Its subtitle is "A Tale of Two States" viz.: California and Nevada, and, therefore, as may be correctly inferred, it is a mining story, or at least a story in which this element plays an important part.

STUART, FLORENCE PARTELLO. Piang, the Moro Jungle Boy. Century. TABER, SUSAN. Optimist, The. Duffield. "THANET, OCTAVE." And the Captain Entered. Bobbs-Merrill. THOMSON, EDWARD WILLIAM. Old Man Savarin Stories. Doran. TOMPKINS, JULIET WILBOR. At the Sign of the Oldest House. Bobbs-Merrill. TURPIN, EDNA. Peggy of Roundabout Lane. Macmillan. TUTTLE, FLORENCE GUERTIN. Give My Love to Maria.

They were to make more trouble but not again were they to imperil the foundations of law and order in the little community of New Salem. Copyright, 1919, by the Bobbs-Merrill Company. Used by special permission of the publishers. VIII. The End of the Trail By Clarence E. Mulford

Lane. LEWIS, GERTRUDE RUSSELL. *Designer of Dawns, A. Pilgrim Press. MCCLUNG, NELLIE L. Next of Kin, The. Houghton-Mifflin. MACKAY, HELEN. *Journal of Small Things. Duffield. MEIROVITZ, JOSEPH M. Path of Error, The. Four Seas Co. MERWIN, SAMUEL. Temperamental Henry. Bobbs-Merrill. NEWTON, ALMA. Memories. Duffield. NOBLE, EDWARD. Outposts of the Fleet. Houghton-Mifflin.

Sunday School Times Co., $0.50. Wayne, Building Your Girl. McClurg, $0.50. II. Further Reading W.B. Forbush, The Coming Generation. Appleton, $1.50. Puffer, The Boy and His Gang. Houghton Mifflin Co., $1.00. Irving King, The High School Age. Bobbs-Merrill, $1.00. Building Childhood, A Symposium. Sunday School Times Co., $1.00. III. Topics for Discussion

Then they all stood up together and stared straight at the altar, to see what great gift had awakened the long silent bells. But all that the nearest of them saw was the childish figure of Little Brother, who had crept softly down the aisle when no one was looking, and had laid Pedro's little piece of silver on the altar. Used by special permission of the publishers, the Bobbs-Merrill Company.

JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. "Limpy." Little, Brown. KARR, LOUISE. Trouble. Himebaugh and Browne. KELLERHOUSE, LUCY CHARLTON. *Forest Fancies. Duffield. KIRK, R. G. White Monarch and the Gas-House Pup. Little, Brown. KIRKLAND, WINIFRED. *My Little Town. Dutton. LAIT, JACK. Gus the Bus and Evelyn, the Exquisite Checker. LARDNER, RING W. Gullible's Travels. Bobbs-Merrill. LEACOCK, STEPHEN. Frenzied Fiction.