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I seed 'er git as red as a turkey-cock t'other day beca'se a nigger-wench rung the front-door bell. She made the woman hump 'erself round to the kitchen double quick. She's got a new toy to piddle with, an' it's a whoppin' big un. She says things has to move accordin' to the clock on this gigantic place, an' so far it's doin' it. Wait, I'll shet the gate an' ride to the barn with you.

"Beca'se I kin make a better use on't," replied the sergeant, taking the strap in his hand, and making it fast to the crupper strap behind the rider. It was drawn back far enough to prevent the prisoner from reaching it with his left hand.

"I mean about stealin' Miss Violy Gwyn an' takin' her away with him?" "I want to thank you, Moll, for sending me the warning. It was splendid of you." "Oh, I didn't do it beca'se " she began, somewhat defiantly, and then closed her lips tightly. The sullen look came back into her eyes. "I understand. You you like him yourself." "Well, whut ef I do?" she burst out. "Hit's my look-out, ain't it?"

I built me a cabin away up on the other side of the mountain, and was agoin' to start settin' my traps when I got word that a gentleman wanted me to come down to Lathrop and git him. Yuh see, his doctor advised that he spend the winter in the mountains, and he thought of me, beca'se we'd been in the woods a heap of times in past years.

It ain't in you, nor de likes of you. I reckon you'd shoot me in de back, maybe, if you got a chance, for dat's jist yo' style I knows you, throo en throo but I don't mind gitt'n killed, beca'se all dis is down in writin' and it's in safe hands, too, en de man dat's got it knows whah to look for de right man when I gits killed.